加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南


为某些有兴趣读这个专业的藤子写的.很多人以为图书馆员就是在图书馆里借书还书整整书.这个在北美不叫图书馆员,只是LIBRARY ASSISTANT,只要COLLEGE的DIPLOMA就可.有的是义工.LIBRARIAN在北美是专业人员(PROFESSIONAL)是要”执照”的,这个”执照”就是MLS或MLIS学位,你有PHD没有MLIS学位也不能做LIBRARIAN.MLIS学位只有ALA(美国图书馆学会)认可的五十所学校才有资格授予.加拿大只有七所:MCGILL,U of Montreal, U of Toronto, Western Ontario, UBC, Dalhousie, Alberta.入学不是很难,只要有任何一个正规大学的任一门课的本科学位即可.但对非英语(魁省非英法母语者)一般要求英文鸭试在7.5和8.0(详情见各学校录取要求)工作相对容易找也稳定,有公共图书馆,专业图书馆,学校图书馆和学术图书馆,国会图书馆等,起薪视地区有差别,有些容易进(公共,起薪在3.5-4.5万左右,稳定),有些难进(法律要有法律本科,学术要有两个MASTER DEGREE或PHD,警察军队安全部门如CIA则政审很严,但薪水高,一般起薪在5.5-6.5万左右,最稳定),公司等中等(起薪4.5-5.5万左右,稳定,)详情请参看www.ala.org 和 www.cla.ca 我就不一一作答了.但我不能包你找到工作,找不到工作或另时工作的老外也很多.如你专业背景好(法律,生物,科学,工程,电脑,艺术,地理信息等)并能说会道就去学学,如文科就不要去学了,因为很多老外是文科背景,你和他们去抢饭碗的难度是显而易见的.如你半天也放不出一个闷P的,背景再好也不要去读了.

good job

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。 2007-03-19#3 B
根据加拿大图书馆学位的统计,全国从业人员(不包括PARAPROFESSIONAL即LIBRARY ASSISTANT)是57,000人The Canadian Library Association is Canada's largest national library association, representing the interests of 57,000 library workers.


欧阳小初 说:还要读MLS?那么大学本科的图书馆学专业读出来能做什么呢?本来还在考虑QUEEN'S的图书馆学...><另外LIBRARIAN的工作内容大概是什么捏....虽然知道这个专业就业前景很稳定薪水也不低,而且是和书打交道,所以有考虑过学习它...可是对LIBRARIAN具体要做什么还是一头雾水...可不可以请楼主解答一下?点击展开...本科不要读LIBRARY,本科读LIBRARY,只能在图书馆做CATALOG之类,永远不可能升到LIBRARIAN.本科要有专业,比如医学,那你可去医学图书馆工作,薪水也很高的,你可做REFERENCE,在大学的话负责和相关的系院联络,为教学提供服务,和出版商打交道,选书选电子书库软件,上一两门课,辅导学生研究生如何使用系统快速找到有用的资料等.具体职业情况见http://www.ala.org/ala/education/educationcareers.htm有详细介绍.

全美国有117,000个图书馆,和400,000 图书馆从业人员Libraries bring you the world. Did you know there are more than 117,000 libraries in the United States? In addition to public libraries in almost every community, there are thousands of libraries in schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, law firms, businesses, the armed forces and more! Because libraries offer free access to all, they bring opportunity to all. And the greatest resources in each of these libraries are the librarians and library workers. Almost 400,000 people make libraries work for you every day. You’ll find the right answer @ your library!

非常谢谢你~^^可能我本科决定就读文学啦....因为实在不愿意放弃自己唯一引以为傲的中文及国学素养,目前想着唯一能与自己的中文素养紧密结合的相关专业恐怕就是英语文学类吧?毕业后向书籍翻译方向努力...或者届时再继续进修图书馆学也是不错的。梦想是有朝一日能成为继钱先生和林先生之后的中国文化传播者.中国已经好些年没出过一个文学上真正的学者了啊...Is that so romantic?:p Whatever,有梦想总是好事吧~似乎BEIJING2008是位老移民了,而且对教育领域也有很深了解的样子.是不是可以请教你一下,加拿大境内本科文学类专业(或相关,如Drama,Meida,film...)在哪所大学呢?多谢!

欧阳小初 说:非常谢谢你~^^可能我本科决定就读文学啦....因为实在不愿意放弃自己唯一引以为傲的中文及国学素养,目前想着唯一能与自己的中文素养紧密结合的相关专业恐怕就是英语文学类吧?毕业后向书籍翻译方向努力...或者届时再继续进修图书馆学也是不错的。梦想是有朝一日能成为继钱先生和林先生之后的中国文化传播者.中国已经好些年没出过一个文学上真正的学者了啊...Is that so romantic?:p Whatever,有梦想总是好事吧~似乎BEIJING2008是位老移民了,而且对教育领域也有很深了解的样子.是不是可以请教你一下,加拿大境内本科文学类专业(或相关,如Drama,Meida,film...)在哪所大学呢?多谢!点击展开...你可读MLS,方向是EAST ASIAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN.你用GOOGLE查一下职位的要求,或许会感兴趣的.也可读EAST ASIAN STUDIES.读英国文学老外都很难找工作,以前我一个老师是英国文学PHD,后来读了MLS在图书馆做BIBLIOGRAPHER,另一位同学是法国文学PHD,找不到工作,很多年了在图书馆帮忙做CATALOG最后下决心读MLS已四五十岁了.

East Asian Studies Librarian Northwestern University,Evanston, Illinois Salary: Not Specified Status: Full-time Posted: 03/08/07 Deadline: East Asian Studies Librarian East Asian Studies Librarian. Northwestern University Library is seeking an energetic and talented librarian to serve as the East Asian Studies Librarian. Responsibilities: Evaluates library services and resources required to meet university research and teaching needs in the interdisciplinary field of East Asian Studies. Works closely with colleagues both on and off campus to establish library-related relationships in East Asian Studies. Develops undergraduate and graduate-level subject collections in relevant languages and media, working closely with subject librarians in fields of the humanities and social sciences, especially literature, history and art. Manages allocated funds, and collaborates on endowment and gift proposals with the Director of Library Development. Interacts both responsively and proactively with faculty, students, and other library users in departments and schools across all humanities and social science disciplines. In cooperation with central technical services staff, is responsible for developing strategies for purchasing and processing East Asian materials, including implementing and managing outsourced and/or vendor-supported technical services operations. Provides specialized bibliographic instruction and reference services in coordination with public services departments of the Library. Assumes primary selector responsibilities in one or more humanities and/or social science disciplines outside of East Asian Studies, according to experience, interests, and educational background. Position will be approximately 75% East Asian Studies, approximately 25% other selector responsibilities as assigned. Qualifications: Required: Masters Degree in library and information science or equivalent combination of education and relevant library experience. Mastery of Chinese or Japanese as well as excellent spoken and written English. The successful candidate will have excellent communications skills and a working knowledge of modern library technology. Preferred: Reading knowledge of another East Asian and/or European language. Experience in an academic or other research library in North America. Experience managing publisher and vendor relationships. Understanding of, or experience with, technical services standards, issues, and operations. A graduate degree in a humanities or social sciences discipline, with expertise in an area of East Asian Studies. Environment: Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, is a major private university with an extensive library system. This includes the Northwestern University Library, three branch libraries on the Evanston Campus, and three libraries on the Chicago Campus. Northwestern University Library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and participates in programs of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The holdings of the libraries total over 4 million volumes. See more information about the Library at: http://www.library.northwestern.edu. Salary: Dependent on qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to Peter J. Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, 1970 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300 or [email protected]. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire.

Chinese Language Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian (Temporary) University of California, San Diego,La Jolla, California Salary: $25,000 - $49,999 Status: Full-time Posted: 03/07/07 Deadline: 04/20/07 Chinese Language Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian (Temporary) Chinese Language Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian (Temporary), UCSD Libraries. Preferred appt level: Asst Librarian I - III w/ approx salary range of $40,008 - $44,736. Seeking innovative, conscientious, and production-oriented professional for an entry level, fulltime, one year temporary position (w/ possible extension) to catalog online Chinese language materials for the UC-wide Shared Cataloging Program. Must possess a basic knowledge of bibliographic and authority control, demonstrated skill in using the pinyin romanization system, strong communication skills, and a willingness to experiment with new techniques and batch processes for the manipulation of traditional MARC bibliographic records and other metadata schemes. Requires MLS or equivalent. Application consideration begins 4/20/07. See: http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/fac/CLERClib.htm for complete details and application instructions. AA/EOE

POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTPOSITION: Engineering LibrarianRANK: Assistant University Librarian (Tenure Track)REPORTS TO: Assistant Chair, Science Bibliographer, for the Collection ManagementDepartmentSALARY: $42,000; Actual salary will reflect selected professional’s experienceand credentialsREQUISITION #: 0701865DEADLINE DATE: April 15, 2007Please note that this posting has specific instructions for the submission ofapplication materials (see below: APPLICATION PROCESS). Failure to submitall of the required documents as instructed, may result in your application notbeing considered.JOB SUMMARY:The University of Florida Libraries seeks a creative and service-oriented subject specialistfor engineering. The incumbent is responsible for the development and management ofselection in all formats of the Engineering collection, in cooperation with two otherengineering selectors. Specific departments of the College of Engineering will be assignedafter hire. The selector will analyze academic departmental instruction and researchprograms to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Library’s supportingcollections, as well as recommend and implement collection management policy supportingthese programs. The incumbent will also collect and analyze usage data to assist in theoverall evaluation of electronic resources of all kinds, including electronic databases,electronic journals, aggregator services and other Internet based resources in the areas ofselection responsibility. The selector will work closely with faculty and students, theScience Bibliographer, other librarians selecting science materials, and technical serviceslibrarians to improve library services to this constituency. Associated with the primarycollection management responsibilities, the selector will be expected to provide specializedinstruction, and end user/online services, by appointment and referral. The subjectspecialist is an integral member of the Marston Science Library team, providing all formsof science reference services, including desk staffing, electronic services and ongoingtraining, offering responsive and imaginative liaison services. Specialists are expected tokeep informed on new technological developments and library issues related to access andThe Foundation for The Gator NationAn Equal Opportunity Institutionscholarly communication; working with faculty and colleagues to identify emerging trends.The library encourages staff participation in reaching management decisions and,consequently, the selector will be asked to serve on various committees and teams.Incumbent should actively pursue professional development opportunities includingresearch, publication and professional association work to meet Library-wide criteria fortenure and promotion.RESPONSIBILITIES:1. As the Engineering selector:a. Fosters communication between engineering departments and libraries.Maintains awareness of the development of academic programs to ensurethat library collections and services support curriculum and research needsand informs clientele about relevant library issues. Consults with otherselectors to produce unified collection development efforts for Engineering.b. Develops collection management plans, for both the general and referencecollections, in consultation with faculty, appropriate bibliographers, andmembers of the Library staff. Assists in coordinated collection developmentprograms with other Florida State University System institutions asrequested.c. Reviews notification slips, trade and national bibliographies,advertisements, dealer’s catalogs, and similar media for the purpose ofinitiating current and retrospective orders within the boundaries of collectiondevelopment policy and fund allocation. Continues to develop electronicresources for the engineering reference collection, in consultation withcolleagues.d. Selects from materials received by gift; reviews approval plans andexchange agreement; advises Acquisitions and Licensing Department onsources of supply required to obtain materials unavailable through regulartrade channels.e. Sets cataloging and preservation priorities for the general and referencecollections in assigned areas.f. Assesses quality and physical condition of collections, determines thereplacement, transfer and withdrawal of individual titles.g. Assigns location of the materials in the subject specialization area basedupon faculty, student and library needs.h. Recommends budget and allocations for the assigned materials fund(s).2. Keeps abreast of the developments in the assigned field. Analyzes the academicprogram activities in the following areas: a) accomplishments, b) strategies toimprove the quality and services provided, c) assessment of resource needs and d)studies or surveys as required.3. Provides specialized reference services, including bibliographic instruction, forfaculty and advanced graduate students and scholars requiring these services inassigned areas and to allied areas of the sciences, usually by referral from thegeneral reference area or by specific arrangement with academic departments.4. Prepares bibliographic/ internet guides and other publications in support of theLibrary’s publication program.5. Participates in the public services program of the Marston Science Library (MSL).Provides reference services, general bibliographic instruction, and other appropriatepublic services in accordance with the MSL mission, goals and objectives.The Foundation for The Gator NationAn Equal Opportunity Institution6. Contributes to the library’s planning effort through membership in the SciencesCollection Management Group and other University and Library committees andconsultative bodies as appropriate.7. Participates in appropriate professional library organizations on the state, regionaland national levels. Pursues professional development goals, includingpublications.8. Participates in fund raising activities and other appropriate library developmentefforts.QUALIFICATIONS:Required:1. Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program.2. Excellent verbal and written communication skills, and ability to work effectivelyin a team and individually with faculty, staff and students.3. Ability to work successfully in a collegial environment.4. Knowledge of the information needs of scientists.5. Demonstrated knowledge of and enthusiasm for the use of technologies in thedelivery of information services.6. Excellent presentation and organizational skills.7. Demonstrated potential for leadership.8. User-centered service orientation.9. Strong potential for meeting the requirements of tenure and promotion.Preferred:1. Bachelor’s degree in engineering or physical sciences or extensive work experiencein this area.2. Work experience in an academic science library.3. Experience in collection management.4. Proficiency in searching major science databases and reference sources in allformats.5. Experience in evaluating print and online resources.6. Knowledge of trends in scholarly communication, research and publishing.THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDAThe University of Florida is a large, land grant, public educational research institution inthe state of Florida with a faculty of approximately 4,000 and a student body of nearly48,000. It ranks third nationally in size of student body and eighth nationally in the numberof merit scholars enrolled in the freshmen class. The University is a member of theAssociation of American Universities and offers the Ph.D. in 90 fields and the Master'sdegree in 120 fields. For more information please consult the UF homepage athttp://www.ufl.edu.The University of Florida Libraries are members of the Association of Research Libraries,Research Libraries Group, SOLINET, and the Center for Research Libraries. The librarystaff consists of more than 400 FTE librarians, technical/clerical staff and studentassistants. For more information about the Libraries, please visit http://www.uflib.ufl.edu.The Department of Collection Management is charged with building the collections of theLibraries in support of our academic programs at all levels of the university. To that end,The Foundation for The Gator NationAn Equal Opportunity Institutionthe Libraries have been successful in attracting and retaining specialists in many fields ofinquiry, individuals who are talented enough to superintend subject areas beyond theirfields of specialized education and experience. The Department itself consists of 10librarians and a CM Support Unit of 5 paraprofessionals. Guided by three coordinatingbibliographers, materials selectors manage a program of collection development based onuniversity funding for library materials, and in some selected subjects, support fromendowments. Throughout the system of the UF Libraries, there are almost forty individualswho are charged with managing our research resources, and this charge ranges from onequarter to full-time involvement in this responsibility.The Marston Science Library serves science disciplines in agriculture, life sciences,engineering, physical sciences, mathematics and earth sciences and was named for RobertQ. Marston, the seventh president of the University of Florida. The science collection ofmore than 500,000 volumes is housed in a five-story building which it shares with theDocuments Department and Map and Imagery Library. The Science Library has 10 libraryfaculty members and 15 support staff, plus numerous student assistants.BENEFITS:Twenty-six vacation days, nine paid holidays, and thirteen days sick leave annually;retirement plan options; insurance benefits; tuition fee waiver program; no state or localincome tax.APPLICATION PROCESS:The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed tothe diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people,including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged toapply. As part of the application process, applicants are invited to complete an on-lineconfidential and voluntary demographic self-disclosure form which can be found at:http://www.hr.ufl.edu/job/datacard.htm. This information is collected by the University ofFlorida's Faculty Development Office to track applicant trends and is in no way consideredby the Smathers Libraries in the selection process.Please submit application materials via e-mail. Send, as attachments (MS-Word formatpreferred), a cover letter explaining your interest in and qualifications for this position,your current resume and a list of three references. Include address, telephone and emailinformation for references. Please include a 250-word document expressing your opinionon the topic of “The new directions in engineering education and its impact on academiclibraries collections". Apply by April 15, 2007 (applications will be reviewed as received).Refer to Position 0701865 Send all required application materials to Brian Keith, SmathersLibraries Human Resources Officer, at: [email protected].



欧阳小初 说:虽然"非常感谢你"这句话好象已经说过好几遍了,但还是要再次谢谢~鞠躬.我的英文现在还不好,自己去GOGOLE很吃力,真是帮了大忙了~弱弱的问一句,这个坛子里的大家一直提的加声望加声望是怎么回事?在哪加?偶找了半天也没找到相关的按钮~难道是我等级太低没有权限..?点击展开...要发帖够50个后才能给别人加声望。。




――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案谢谢分享 想当年,俺还想读这个专业呢,可惜后来改读理科了点击展开...你要有兴趣还可读的特别适合于女性.

Beijing2008 说:你要有兴趣还可读的特别适合于女性.点击展开...4242 美国第一夫人以前也做过图书管理员

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 2007-03-29#20 yangyang2005 7,406 $0.00 收藏了,希望以后用得上再次谢谢楼主

  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...