加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息China Interpreter, Whats app: 008613702747933


Hi, This is Michael, and I am a professional China Interpreter.I had study and work in Canada for more than 10 years, and graduated from Carleton Univsity in Canada with Honor Bachelor DegreeMy Whats app account is 008613702747933 , and my e-mail address is michael_328_2@yahoo.ca , and my wechat account is huangyiyyun328I would list myself introduction as following:1. My personality- My key personality: responsible, kind, honest, and professional2. My service scope- I am mainly providing sourcing service and interpreting service to customer. I am also a licensed English tour guide and do part time tour guide job in Shenzhen.- My sourcing service includes sourcing new products or new factories, collecting prices and samples, checking quality, sending samples to customer via local forwarder (DHL/Fedex agent, much lower cost than using official DHL), factory audit, goods inspection, and shipping arrangement.- Besides sourcing and interpreting, I also do file translation and market research per customer's request.- My tour guide job not limited to sightseeing, but also include below service:* Trip plan and hotel booking* Airport pick-up and car service* Shopping accompany- As a tour guide, most of my clients are introduced by friends and friends' friends... I appreciate very much my friends' trust!5. My work Skill- Fluent English with nice voice- Good photography skill- Good computer skill: Excel, PPT, Photoshop- Good learning and communication skillI also found a company called C & T International Consulting Co.,Limited and its weblink is www.ctinternations.com , and please feel free to check it.Please contact me when you need my help in China, I am sure with my professional skills and rich social experience, you will have a wonderful trip and good business here. I am waiting here to help you.Contact Info:Whats app:008613702747933mail: michael_328_2@yahoo.cawww.ctinternations.comwww.facebook.com

Huang Mike

Huang Mike is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Huang Mike and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.www.facebook.comwww.facebook.comWechat: huangyiyun328https://twitter.com/rossaflavorhttps://www.instagram.com/huangyiyun328/https://www.pinterest.com/hmike3052/

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