偷偷趁着休息,去买杯咖啡,竟然也會提醒我去工作!?真是:干着IT男女的996, 拿着民工的钱!
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:卡城西北, fjptyhy, 迷失的兔子 和 35 其他人 17.66 2019-12-05#2 付费矿工 1,048$(0.19$赞力,#37) 26,966 $12.11 $1,048.19 赞了在看
yamiyami 说:赞了在看点击展开...哈哈。很短的帖子
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 2019-12-05#4 付费矿工 1,048$(0.19$赞力,#37) 26,966 $12.11 $1,048.19 又再诋毁幸福的祖国人民吗
Aidemengdun 说:哈哈。很短的帖子 点击展开...那也要快 不然那谁 一睡醒 首赞沙发都被抢走了
yamiyami 说:又再诋毁幸福的祖国人民吗点击展开...哈哈,竟然时时刻刻提醒着我享受IT金领们的作息时间表让我受宠若惊
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:yamiyami 0.27 2019-12-05#8
1,602 $0.00 重点都在这了评论
「但行好事,莫问前程」 赏 反馈:三国演义, fjptyhy, 迷失的兔子 和 4 其他人 0.71 2019-12-05#9 5,662 $0.00 XL咖啡就一块钱?便宜。
至尊寶 说:重点都在这了点击展开...果然是996的作息待遇; labor的收入。
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy XL咖啡就一块钱?便宜。点击展开...没办法。照顾无人区人民996待遇啊
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:popeyes 0.14 2019-12-05#12 付费矿工 21$(0.00$赞力,#78) 23,505 $6.46 $21.11 251更惨
cncba 说:251更惨点击展开...996251404
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 996251404点击展开...985,996,251,404
码农, 写代码的农民工。
茹妹 说:以后谁的电话号码里面有251的小心,要被敏感数字了 点击展开...
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:茹妹 0.18 2019-12-05#19 4,136 $0.00 哈哈骗子上当了
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