Work-Sharing EI (1)在6月22日开始Work-Sharing之前,单位曾说单位除了工资之外,会补助一些工资,再加上Work-Sharing EI,最多可以领取原有工资的99%。单位并没有说会补助多少工资,也没有说这个补助工资是如何计算的。工会在发给会员的邮件中解答了不少问题,也说最多可以领取原有工资的95%,并说 EI 的钱很快就会到了。我根据Service Canada 有关Work-Sharing EI 的计算方法,算出Work-Sharing EI 应得的 EI (与实际得到的有出入),再加上应得的工资,只能领取领取原有工资的75%,对于我们来说问题不大,但对西人来说问题就大了!按照Service Canada 有关Work-Sharing EI 的说法是没有等待期的,但开始后是会进入常规的EI 系统,和现在的CERB 不同。等了两个星期在Service Canada 我的帐户中看到 Work-Sharing EI 已完成申批,但没有任何的Payment 信息。等啊等啊!

仍然没有任何的Payment 信息,同事也说没有收到EI。终于有人投诉到工会,星期五(7月24日)收到工会的邮件:“Dear Member, It was brought to the Union’s attention last Friday that a majority of our members participating in the federal Work Share Program had yet to receive their EI payment. Your ERO contacted our service representative within Service Canada and she indicated the issue was a technical problem in the processing of the data they use to calculate benefits. The Employer complied with the instructions given on how to send the data and it was sent complete and on time. Once the data was received there were processing errors not immediately identified by EI. This issue has been resolved and the Union has been told the payments will be deposited imminently. ”查看了Service Canada 我的帐户,这次有EI 的Payment 信息了,并说在7月23日已 issue 了最新的EI Payment 并联带之前的 EI Payment. 今天在网上看到 EI payment 已到帐户。工资,单位补助的工资和 EI payment,领取了原有工资的98%。
Life is simple, but not easy.
Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 
反馈:yamiyami, seastar66, catorclie 和 2 其他人
0.10 2020-07-27#2

付费矿工 1,951$(0.35$赞力,#26) 28,744 $5.85 $1,950.50 在6月22日到7月3日是工作40个小时(少了50%工作时间),现在因为NS省的疫情情况变好的关系,工作时间也逐步增加,每两个星期调整一次,由40个小时增加到64个小时,然后增加到72个小时,8月份开始80个小时,恢复全职工作。
Life is simple, but not easy.
Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活Work-Sharing EI (1)在6月22日开始Work-Sharing之前,单位曾说单位除了工资之外,会补助一些工资,再加上Work-Sharing EI,最多可以领取原有工资的99%。单位并没有说会补助多少工资,也没有说这个补助工资是如何计算的。工会在发给会员的邮件中解答了不少问题,也说最多可以领取原有工资的95%,并说 EI 的钱很快就会到了。我根据Service Canada 有关Work-Sharing EI 的计算方法,算出Work-Sharing EI 应得的 EI (与实际得到的有出入),再加上应得的工资,只能领取领取原有工资的75%,对于我们来说问题不大,但对西人来说问题就大了!按照Service Canada 有关Work-Sharing EI 的说法是没有等待期的,但开始后是会进入常规的EI 系统,和现在的CERB 不同。等了两个星期在Service Canada 我的帐户中看到 Work-Sharing EI 已完成申批,但没有任何的Payment 信息。等啊等啊!

仍然没有任何的Payment 信息,同事也说没有收到EI。终于有人投诉到工会,星期五(7月24日)收到工会的邮件:“Dear Member,It was brought to the Union’s attention last Friday that a majority of our members participating in the federal Work Share Program had yet to receive their EI payment.Your ERO contacted our service representative within Service Canada and she indicated the issue was a technical problem in the processing of the data they use to calculate benefits. The Employer complied with the instructions given on how to send the data and it was sent complete and on time. Once the data was received there were processing errors not immediately identified by EI.This issue has been resolved and the Union has been told the payments will be deposited imminently. ”查看了Service Canada 我的帐户,这次有EI 的Payment 信息了,并说在7月23日已 issue 了最新的EI Payment 并联带之前的 EI Payment.今天在网上看到 EI payment 已到帐户。工资,单位补助的工资和 EI payment,领取了原有工资的98%。点击展开...好事情,恭喜入账!

乐土乐土缘得我所 说:到手的ei是税前的,相当于原先全职时税后的收入数值。年底要交税的。点击展开...当然要交税了。我所说的领取原有工资的98%,都是税前的。
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