加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息申请SIN卡的误区


经常在这个网潜水,得到不少信息。同时也发现有些网友在回答申请 GST/PST和牛奶金的问题时,有些误导,总是说要等到SIN卡拿到之后才能申请,因为需要SIN号码,但我从www.settlement.org 这个为新移民服务的网站看到:If you go to a Services Canada Office to submit your application, you should get your Social Insurance Number right away, although your card would still have to be mailed to you. 大家可以通过这个连接:http://www.settlement.org/sys/faqs_detail.asp?faq_id=4000100 查到。

charlotte 说:经常在这个网潜水,得到不少信息。同时也发现有些网友在回答申请 GST/PST和牛奶金的问题时,有些误导,总是说要等到SIN卡拿到之后才能申请,因为需要SIN号码,但我从www.settlement.org 这个为新移民服务的网站看到:If you go to a Services Canada Office to submit your application, you should get your Social Insurance Number right away, although your card would still have to be mailed to you. 大家可以通过这个连接:http://www.settlement.org/sys/faqs_detail.asp?faq_id=4000100 查到。点击展开... 你的信息不准,应以政府网站为准 http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/cs/sin/0200/0200_010.shtml#so1Applying for a first-time Social Insurance NumberTo apply for a Social Insurance Number, you must complete an application form. You can obtain an application from your local office or download one.You must also provide a primary document that proves your identity and status in Canada, as well as a supporting document, if the name on your primary document is different from the one you are currently using. It is important that documents are originals and that they are written in English or French.If you are a parent or legal guardian signing an application for a Social Insurance Number on behalf of a minor, you must also provide your own proof-of-identity document.​If you are submitting an application for a Social Insurance Number on behalf of another person, you must provide a valid photo identity document and an original letter signed by the applicant giving authorization to submit the application on his/her behalf.​We encourage you to apply for your Social Insurance Number in person at one of our offices. This process is faster and more convenient, as it does not require you to part with your valuable identity documents. You may also apply by mail.Your card should be received by mail within three weeks from the date you submit your application, providing it meets all criteria.If you are a resident of New Brunswick, you may be eligible to apply for a Social Insurance Number by telephone.Back to Top

我的信息没有错!!!!今天去humran resource center问过了,工作人员很肯定答复我说,可以立即拿到sin号码,只是卡要5个工作日才能收到。而且请注意看“Your card should be received by mail within three weeks from the date you submit your application, providing it meets all criteria.”这里只是说要等三个星期才能收到卡,根本就没有说不能立即拿到号码。大家申请GST/PST和牛奶金并不需要卡,只是要填号码。请不要误导。

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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