回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊网上能申请么?
吃苦受累都是福,内省外修还得建,冰霜雪雨皆归海,从头到尾全尝鲜。回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊有什么用?
一些帖子希望对大家有帮助,有1元20张照片,什么是Mail-in-Rebate,我的MIR经历,我的Subsidy经历等等。这是个简易链接,请点击这个:URL我黑,故我回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊晕。。。申请的链接就在那里。。。
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/eservices/tax/epassservices/epass_faq_canada-e.html贴过来What is epass Canada?epass Canada provides a fast and easy way to securely access Government services via the Internet. For more information, see About epass.2. What is an epass Enabled Service?An epass Enabled Service is an online Government of Canada service that uses epass Canada to provide enhanced security to protect your information.Top of pageTop of page3. Why do I need a Government of Canada epass to access the CRA epass online services?The security and protection of confidential client information is the CRA's highest priority when offering services over the Internet. In order to achieve this, we have enhanced our procedures for accessing these online services and included registering for a Government of Canada epass. To use My Account for individuals or My Business Account services, the mailing of a CRA Security Code, which will take approximately five business days to receive (15 days if outside Canada or the U.S.) will be required.4. How do I register for a Government of Canada epass to access the CRA's epass services?My Account for individuals / My Business AccountFor My Account for individuals or My Business Account you will need to complete three steps to Register for a Government of Canada epass to authenticate yourself with the CRA.Step 1 - Authenticate with the CRAYou will need to provide the following personal information to authenticate yourself with the CRA: * Your social insurance number; * Your date of birth; * The amount you calculated and reported at line 150 (Total Income) of your 2005 or 2006 filed and assessed income tax return; and * Your current postal code or zip code (Canada and United States addresses only).Step 2 - Register for an epassOnce you have entered your personal authentication information with the CRA, you will need to create an epass User ID and Password, and select and answer three questions.Step 3 - Receive and enter the CRA Security CodeThe CRA will mail you a CRA Security Code within approximately five business days (15 days if outside Canada or the U.S.). The CRA Security Code will be sent to your mailing address currently on record with the CRA. Have you moved recently?To complete the registration process, you will return to the CRA's My Account for individuals or My Business Account's Web site to enter your CRA Security Code and access your personal information.To access the CRA epass services anytime in the future, you will simply need to return to the CRA epass services page, select the service you want to use and log in using your epass User ID and Password.Represent a clientFor Represent a client you will need to complete two steps to Register for a Government of Canada epass to authenticate yourself with the CRA.Step 1 - Authenticate with the CRAYou will need to provide the following information to authenticate yourself with the CRA: * the eight-character access code from your Notice of Assessment; and * your postal code or ZIP code.Step 2 - Register for an epassOnce you have entered your authentication information with the CRA, you will need to create an epass User ID and Password, and select and answer three questions.Top of pageTop of page5. I already have a Government of Canada epass.If you already have a Government of Canada epass that is enroled with a CRA epass service and would like to use it to access one of those services, select the service you want to use and log in using your epass User ID and Password. Depending on the CRA epass service you choose to use, you may need to provide additional authentication information.6. I already have a Government of Canada epass, but from another department or agency, can I use it for a CRA epass service?If you already have an epass with another department or agency, you can log in using your epass User ID and Password, but before you can access the CRA epass service, you will have to enrol with the service.7. I have forgotten or misplaced my Password and/or my User ID. Is there any way that I can recover them?User IDNo, you cannot recover your User ID if you have forgotten or misplaced it. In order to use the CRA epass services you will need to re-register for a Government of Canada epass. Your old epass will be replaced by the new one, when you re-register.To re-register for a Government of Canada epass go to the CRA epass services home page, select the service you want to register for and follow the instructions provided.PasswordIf you have forgotten or misplaced your Password, you can create a new password, provided you respond correctly to the recovery questions you selected and answered when you registered. Follow these steps: 1. At the CRA epass services page, select the service you want to use. 2. At the epass Canada "Log In or Register" page, select "Did you Forget Your Password?". 3. At the "Did you Forget Your Password?" page, follow the three step process to create your new Password.Top of pageTop of page8. How do I access the epass Canada site to Change my User ID, Change my Password or Revoke my epass?To change your Password or User ID, or Revoke your epass follow these steps: 1. At the CRA epass services page, select the service you want to use. 2. At the epass Canada "Log In or Register" page, enter your epass User ID and Password. 3. At the "epass Canada Welcome" page, select the "Manage My epass" button. 4. At the "Manage My epass" page, select the appropriate link to modify your epass.
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊再转 An epass is a unique electronic credential that allows you to communicate securely with online enabled Government services. Some of these services require enhanced security measures, as they involve exchanging confidential information over the Internet. An epass provides this enhanced security.The Government of Canada, as the service provider, issues unique epasses to individuals for use with epass Enabled Services. An epass Enabled Service is an online Government service that uses the enhanced security measures provided by your epass.You may choose to have a different epass for each epass Enabled Service. You will need to remember which epass was used to enrol with each service. If you forget, epass Canada cannot assist you as it does not know which services you access or how many epasses you have.You may choose not to apply for these services electronically, in which case you may apply for these services by phone, fax, mail, or in person.
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊Mandarin Please
一些帖子希望对大家有帮助,有1元20张照片,什么是Mail-in-Rebate,我的MIR经历,我的Subsidy经历等等。这是个简易链接,请点击这个:URL我黑,故我回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊老大啊。。。俺找找看。。。
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/68720这里看来。。。
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊偶刚上去申请了,就是填一下基本信息和你在税表上的总收入,设一个用户名密码,然后一周内cra会给你寄一封信含有安全code,输入后就完成了。
Nomad in Canada回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊谢谢,刚申请了一个,是否可以用epass来网上报税呢?
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊谢谢,刚申请了一个,是否可以用epass来网上报税呢?点击展开...是的,需要log into your epass account and use NETFILE 来网上报税。。。
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊不好意思,Represent a client是什么意思?
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊不错,收藏~
[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊刚收到cra security code,登陆my account,密码出错多次,千辛万苦找到正确密码进入之后,页面没有地方输入cra security code,只是提醒We need to verify your personal information,以及e-service Helpdesk的链接,不知如何是好,求大虾指点!
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊乌[/SIZE]人;1630215]网上能申请么?点击展开...

回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊刚收到cra security code,登陆my account,密码出错多次,千辛万苦找到正确密码进入之后,页面没有地方输入cra security code,只是提醒We need to verify your personal information,以及e-service Helpdesk的链接,不知如何是好,求大虾指点!点击展开...没人知道吗?
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊2007年登陆还未第一次报税的新移民可以申请吗?偶刚上去申请了,就是填一下基本信息和你在税表上的总收入,设一个用户名密码,然后一周内cra会给你寄一封信含有安全code,输入后就完成了。点击展开...
回复: 刚报税的tz别忘了去申请EPASS啊2007年登陆还未第一次报税的新移民可以申请吗?点击展开...不行,要报过税后才可以申请.
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