加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?
回国可能过一两年,才会长登。 有人说:在加短登3周,用SIN卡收入没有多少,不用报税。 对吗?
回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?1. 3 weeks you may not get your SIN.2. Any income in Canada should be taxied. No metter how much.
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?你可以报税,如果你收到t4表,你就要报收入,如果你拿现金收入,也建议你报税,一般新移民第一年收入很低,都可以拿到退税或省税福利,而且报税可以早些建立你的税务档案,对以后入籍,申请福利方面都有好处。
岁月静好!回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?谢谢两位回复!关键是短登后回国了,是否下一年要将中国的收入,一并在加报税?这样上算吗?
回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?先判断一下:Were you a non-resident of Canada in 2007?You are a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes throughout any period in which you do not have significant residential ties (as defined in the following section) in Canada and you are not a deemed resident of Canada.What income should you report? – Report your income from Canadian sources such as the taxable part of your scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, net research grants, income from a business, net partnership income (limited or non-active partners only), and taxable capital gains from disposing of taxable Canadian property, as indicated under the income lines applicable to non-residents of Canada in the guide.What are residential ties?Significant residential ties almost always include a home in Canada, a spouse or common law partner, and dependants who stayed in Canada while you were living outside Canada. Other ties that may contribute to having significant ties include a Canadian driver’s licence, Canadian bank accounts or credit cards, provincial or territorial hospitalization insurance coverage, personal property, and social ties in Canada.
回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?谢谢wedwardw的回复。从你的信息来看,我假如短登两个月,只办sin卡,不开银行账户,应是非税务居民。这样只要申报在加拿大的收入即可,对吗?我以前听说,如果短登时在加打工,有可能需要在加申报全球收入。因此大多数人,短登时都不敢去打工,这是否误传?
回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?从另外的角度来讲,你两个月的收入一般不会到交税的收入标准,你又不考虑退税和福利,没必要当年申报,可以以后回来再说.
回复: 假如短登3周,用SIN卡打工,回国,要报税吗?本人比较啰嗦。主要是,听说:如果用sin卡收工资,那么第一年就要在加申报全球收入,包括在中国的收入,这样一家人的收入可能会超过要交税的收入标准。有可能要缴税。是否如此?有哪位有如此经历吗?
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