加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报税schedule6的问题请教
1,Do you have a eligible dependent?2,Do you hve a eligible spouse?一个小孩的家庭,身体正常,是不是选择NO?
回复: 报税schedule6的问题请教see the guide at line 453 for the definitions
回复: 报税schedule6的问题请教支持看Guide~
[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]1,Do you have a eligible dependent?2,Do you hve a eligible spouse?一个小孩的家庭,身体正常,是不是选择NO?点击展开...上个贴以为你要申请LINE305,那个条件比较多.对schedule6 有定义Eligible spouse – For the purpose of the WITB, an eligiblespouse is a person who meets all of the followingconditions:■ was your spouse or common-law partner (see thedefinition on page 12) on December 31, 2007;■ was a resident of Canada throughout 2007;■ was not enrolled as a full-time student at a designatededucational institution for a total of more than 13 weeksin the year, unless he/she had an eligible dependant atthe end of the year; and■ was not confined to a prison or similar institution for aperiod of 90 days or more during the year.Eligible dependant – For the purpose of the WITB, aneligible dependant is a person who meets all of thefollowing conditions:■ was your or your spouse or common-law partner’s child;■ was under 19 years of age and lived with you onDecember 31, 2007; and■ was not eligible for the WITB for 2007.
回复: 报税schedule6的问题请教thanks
回复: 报税schedule6的问题请教这个WITB 好像家庭净收入3000-21000能有,14500拿最大。
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