加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问工资税问题
找了半天,没有看到具体解答工资税的问题。不知道税前工资算下来具体到手有多少。 举个例子,比如年薪5万加币,专业permanent工。到手的是多少?另外,工资需要扣工资税外,还需要负担其他的税么?
回复: 请问工资税问题加拿大就没有工资税,只有收入税。
回复: 请问工资税问题哦,有些不明白。这样吧,如果收入仅仅来源于工资,也就是一年税前5万,那该如何算税呢?
回复: 请问工资税问题安省大概到手4万。
回复: 请问工资税问题加拿大的税算起来比较复杂,因为要牵扯到退税的事。
回复: 请问工资税问题可以参考 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/individuals/faq/taxrates-e.htmlExplain how the three levels of government are different. The federal government takes major responsibility for matters that affect all of Canada. Provincial and territorial governments look after such matters as education, health care and highways. They share responsibilities with the federal government in some areas. The municipal (or local) governments of each city or community are responsible for matters such as policing, firefighting, snow removal and recycling programs.
回复: 请问工资税问题学习~
宠辱不惊 闲看庭前花开花落去留无意 漫随天外云卷云舒可以参考 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/individuals/faq/taxrates-e.htmlExplain how the three levels of government are different. The federal government takes major responsibility for matters that affect all of Canada. Provincial and territorial governments look after such matters as education, health care and highways. They share responsibilities with the federal government in some areas. The municipal (or local) governments of each city or community are responsible for matters such as policing, firefighting, snow removal and recycling programs.点击展开...lz 自问自答了。
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