加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2008's Dogs of the Dow


The following table lists the ten highest yielding Dow stocks as of the close on December 31, 2007. These ten stocks are 2008's Dogs of the Dow. Of these ten Dow stocks, the five stocks with the lowest closing price are 2008's Small Dogs of the Dow. C Citigroup 29.44 7.34% Yes PFE Pfizer 22.73 5.63% Yes GM General Motors 24.89 4.02% Yes MO Altria 75.58 3.97% No VZ Verizon 43.69 3.94% No T AT&T 41.56 3.85% No DD DuPont 44.09 3.72% No JPM JP Morgan Chase 43.65 3.48% No GE General Electric 37.07 3.35% Yes HD Home Depot 26.94 3.34% Yes I will buy 100 share for each stock in Small Dogs of the Dow : Citigroup, Pfizer, General Motors,General Electric and Home Depot.and hold them for 1 year.see you 2009! More information , please see :http://www.dogsofthedow.com/

回复: 2008's Dogs of the DowThe following table lists the ten highest yielding Dow stocks as of the close on December 31, 2007. These ten stocks are 2008's Dogs of the Dow. Of these ten Dow stocks, the five stocks with the lowest closing price are 2008's Small Dogs of the Dow. C Citigroup 29.44 7.34% Yes PFE Pfizer 22.73 5.63% Yes GM General Motors 24.89 4.02% Yes MO Altria 75.58 3.97% No VZ Verizon 43.69 3.94% No T AT&T 41.56 3.85% No DD DuPont 44.09 3.72% No JPM JP Morgan Chase 43.65 3.48% No GE General Electric 37.07 3.35% Yes HD Home Depot 26.94 3.34% Yes I will buy 100 share for each stock in Small Dogs of the Dow : Citigroup, Pfizer, General Motors,General Electric and Home Depot. and hold them for 1 year. see you 2009! More information , please see :http://www.dogsofthedow.com/点击展开...不好意思,请教一下,DOG是什么意思,我查到有个意思是“贬值股票”,但感觉解释不通,Small dog又是什么意思呢? 另外,那个百分比是2007年的涨幅吗?YES/NO是楼主自己的操作吗? 谢谢 加声望了

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow???

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow我晕,过了半年,已经亏损超过30%。 考虑到历史上年度亏损从来没有超过10%。昨天,5只小dog of dow 俺每只股票补仓100股Citigroup 17.5 每股General Motors 11.67每股Pfizer 17.49 每股General Electric 26.36 每股Home Depot 24.25 每股

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow我已经亏损了将近50%了。

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow不好意思,请教一下,DOG是什么意思,我查到有个意思是“贬值股票”,但感觉解释不通,Small dog又是什么意思呢?点击展开...这些股票被称为"道琼黑五类"或"狗股". 大致操作是每年年底从道琼斯30种成分股中选出股价最低但派息高的五只股票作为下一年年初的投资对象. 这个投资组合不是一成不变的, 每年需要重新审核并进行调整. 有两个LINK解释得很清楚. http://bbs.21our.com/redirect.php?tid=1231585&goto=lastposthttp://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/t/20070309/14463392855.shtml另外,那个百分比是2007年的涨幅吗?YES/NO是楼主自己的操作吗?点击展开...LZ的YES/NO应该是从这个表格里摘出来的. http://www.dogsofthedow.com/dogs2008y1.htm

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow我晕,过了半年,已经亏损超过30%。 考虑到历史上年度亏损从来没有超过10%。昨天,5只小dog of dow 俺每只股票补仓100股Citigroup 17.5 每股General Motors 11.67每股Pfizer 17.49 每股General Electric 26.36 每股Home Depot 24.25 每股点击展开...谢谢LZ分享. 加SW. 这些股票今年跌得好惨, Citigroup和GM如今的股价和去年的最高价相比基本上是跌了60-70%. 不知道何时能咸鱼翻身...

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow谢谢LZ分享. 加SW. 这些股票今年跌得好惨, Citigroup和GM如今的股价和去年的最高价相比基本上是跌了60-70%. 不知道何时能咸鱼翻身...点击展开...Thanks, I am sure Citi, GE, HomeDepot will be fine :) from 2 - 5 years long term. 现在的问题是,短期内美国是否能够avoid经济衰退?如果短期经济衰退不能避免,是否是长期牛市中的一个bump? 2009年便能重新增长? Dow在当前这个长期牛熊分界点上的震荡和争夺, 应该会对这些问题做出回答,并给出指引。

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow这些股票被称为"道琼黑五类"或"狗股". 大致操作是每年年底从道琼斯30种成分股中选出股价最低但派息高的五只股票作为下一年年初的投资对象. 这个投资组合不是一成不变的, 每年需要重新审核并进行调整. 有两个LINK解释得很清楚. http://bbs.21our.com/redirect.php?tid=1231585&goto=lastposthttp://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/t/20070309/14463392855.shtmlLZ的YES/NO应该是从这个表格里摘出来的. http://www.dogsofthedow.com/dogs2008y1.htm点击展开...多谢!这儿有点意思。感觉还是成熟市场更好用一些,中国股市完全被政策左右。 声望不多,凑合用吧。

回复: 2008's Dogs of the DowMS这类股票传统产业多一些

回复: 2008's Dogs of the Dow今天TSX跌惨了, 连高油价和黄金都没法挽救它. 不过, 和年初相比, DOW已经跌了20%, 已经进入熊市领域, 但TSX由于石油和原材料成分股占的比重大, 反而升了1.5%, 表现得比DOW和S&P要强势多了. 另外, "A report from Merrill Lynch suggested that a General Motors Corp. bankruptcy is no longer outside the realm of possibilities, an amazing development for a company that once ruled the U.S. economy. Investors appeared to take the suggestion to heart as the day progressed, driving GM's shares below $10. They closed at $9.98, down 15.1 per cent, the lowest close since 1954." 试想GM如果真的破产, 对投资人的心理影响将是巨大的. 但也不排除投行故意放风, 以期达到打压指数的目的.

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