加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教关于生孩子期间父母金的正确算法?


魁省的新政策是只要工作收入达到2000元在生产时即可申请父母金,为算起方便我单指母亲一方,比如说母亲过去一年内的总收入就是2000元(就做了一个月),有人说父母金的全额是2000*70%=1400刀,分52周,每周有26.90刀;也有人不是这样算法,全额不只1400,而是3000多甚至更高,还有人说同你的月薪或周薪有关,把我搞晕了,不知哪种算法是正确的??? 有没有这方面有经验或正在领取此项补贴的前辈,恳请赐教!!!谢谢了!

我前些日子刚刚查阅了关于父母金的资料,感觉跟你的说法出入比较大,具体请看 http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/regular.shtml 。请注意以下几点:1、Who is eligible?To be entitled to maternity, parental or sickness benefits you must show that:•your regular weekly earnings have been decreased by more than 40%; and •you have accumulated 600 insured hours in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim. This period is called the qualifying period.2、Qualifying periodThe qualifying period is the shorter of:•the 52 week-period immediately before the start date of a claim, or •the period since the start of a previous EI claim if that claim had started during the 52 week-period. In certain situations, the qualifying period may be extended up to 104 weeks. 3、How much will you receive?The basic benefit rate is 55% of your average insured earnings up to a maximum amount of $413 per week. Your EI payment is a taxable income, meaning federal and provincial or territorial taxes, if it applies, will be deducted from your payment. To find out how we calculate the amount you will receive...If your benefit rate is less than $413 and you are in a low-income family — net income up to a maximum of $25,921 per year — with children and you or your spouse receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) , you could be entitled to the Family Supplement.所以,申请前要有600小时的工作记录;并且应尽早申请,否则小孩儿出生52周后就不能享有父母金权力了;(Parental benefits are only available within the 52 weeks following the child's birth, or for adoptive parents, within the 52 weeks from the date the child is placed with you, unless your child is hospitalized.)另有一个中文网站的帖子,我会另外转帖,好让更多的朋友看到,请留意。

回复: 请教关于生孩子期间父母金的正确算法?谢谢,顶起来!!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]到底要吃多少竹子才可以变成熊猫?回复: 请教关于生孩子期间父母金的正确算法?Quebec省的有些不同联邦的规定,满2000元在生产时即可申请父母金。http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/publications_resources/social_policy/mac_report/page20.shtml

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