加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急问:在加读大学需读几年高中才不用考雅思或
听说要在加入学5年(还不能是成人学校),考大学才可以不用考雅思或托福? 哪位高手可以解疑?谢谢
回复: 急问:在加读大学需读几年高中才不用考雅思或托福?多伦多大学的要求是4年,并且需要递交高中的英语成绩并要求达标。 “If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English for four years or more of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission.” 来源:http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm-awards/admissions/info/p1.action?domain=adm&page=ept
回复: 急问:在加读大学需读几年高中才不用考雅思或托福?谢谢
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