加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息入籍后回中国,如何报税?孩子的牛奶金要取消
入籍后回中国常住,报税用什么身份(在加有驾照、银行户口)resident status是什么?回国前只在魁省呆过,回国后还算魁省居民吗?孩子(加籍)同父母一起回国,孩子的牛奶金要取消吗?另外,To get the CCTB, you must meet all the following conditions:you must live with the child, and the child must be under the age of 18;you must be the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child;This means you are responsible for such things as supervising the child's daily activities and needs, making sure the child's medical needs are met, and arranging for child care when necessary. If there is a female parent who lives with the child, we usually consider her to be this person. However, it could be the father, a grandparent, or a guardian.you must be a resident of Canada; andyou or your spouse or common-law partner must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months.字面上说的是 4 个条件,你必须 4 个条件都符合,才可以领取牛奶金/GST退税:a、你必须与小孩一同居住,且小孩不超过 18 岁;b、你必须是抚养小孩的首要责任人,通常情况下这个人是母亲,但父亲、祖父母、监护人也可;c、你必须是加拿大居民;d、你,或你的配偶,或同居伴侣必须是加拿大公民或、永久居民、难民、临时居民并从 18 个月前到现在居住在加拿大。其中d是指监护人必须呆在加拿大吗?另外中国拿的也只是旅游签证,算不在加拿大居住吗?
回复: 入籍后回中国,如何报税?孩子的牛奶金要取消吗?走之前申请税务居民
回复: 入籍后回中国,如何报税?孩子的牛奶金要取消吗?孩子不在加拿大,肯定是不能拿牛奶金的,我特意去CRA问过了.走之前要填写一张表格,等回来后再重新申请牛奶金.
回复: 入籍后回中国,如何报税?孩子的牛奶金要取消吗?另外,我想问,如果回国不工作,这怎么报税呢?
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