加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在报税,什么是WITB?


用studio tax自己在家里报税,准备打印出来,提示说要填WITB-Woking Income Tax Benefit, 这是什么来的,有TZ了解么?!该怎么填

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?2007报税指南49页上有解释

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?2007报税指南49页上有解释点击展开...49???我的本本只有42而已

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?49???我的本本只有42而已点击展开...难道你用是盗版的本本? 你不是第一次报税吧?你如果上一年有报过,税务局今年初不是会主动给你寄来最新的一本2007报税指南和一本2007报税表的?再说你到税务局的网站查也可以的。

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?Read slowly:you were single with no eligible dependants (see the guide at line 453 for the definition) and your adjusted family net income(Step 1, Part B) is less than $16,118; oryou had an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant (see the guide at line 453 for the definitions) and your adjusted family netincome (Step 1, Part B) is less than $25,206.you were a resident of Canada throughout the year;you earned income from employment or business;at the end of the year, you were 19 years of age or older, or you had an eligible spouse, or you had an eligible dependant.You must also meet all of the following conditions in 2007:Note: If you were married or living in a common-law relationship but did not have an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant, completethis schedule using the instructions as if you were single.Complete columns 1 and 2 if you had an eligible spouse onDecember 31, 2007. Otherwise, complete column 1 only.you were enrolled as a full-time student at a designated educational institution for more than 13 weeks in the year, unlessyou had an eligible dependant at the end of the year;you were confined to a prison or similar institution for a period of 90 days or more during the year.

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?Read slowly:you were single with no eligible dependants (see the guide at line 453 for the definition) and your adjusted family net income(Step 1, Part B) is less than $16,118; oryou had an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant (see the guide at line 453 for the definitions) and your adjusted family netincome (Step 1, Part B) is less than $25,206.you were a resident of Canada throughout the year;you earned income from employment or business;at the end of the year, you were 19 years of age or older, or you had an eligible spouse, or you had an eligible dependant.You must also meet all of the following conditions in 2007:Note: If you were married or living in a common-law relationship but did not have an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant, completethis schedule using the instructions as if you were single.Complete columns 1 and 2 if you had an eligible spouse onDecember 31, 2007. Otherwise, complete column 1 only.you were enrolled as a full-time student at a designated educational institution for more than 13 weeks in the year, unlessyou had an eligible dependant at the end of the year;you were confined to a prison or similar institution for a period of 90 days or more during the year.点击展开...看了schedule6 这一段,就是不太懂,尝试填了下,计算结果为0,那么代表可以不填这表格么?!

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?当然,您又拿不到就别浪费人家时间了.

回复: 在报税,什么是WITB?学习

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