加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息收到CRA对居住状态的认定


填了NR74从中国传真给CRA,最近收到回信:Dear Sir,Re: Residency StatusWe are writing to you regarding your request for a determination of your residency status.In our opinion, you have not established significant residential ties with Canada. Therefore, we consider you to be a no-resident while you are living in Canada.As a non-resident, you may be subject to a non-resident withholding tax on interest, dividend, rental, and pension income received from a Canadian source. The Canadian payer is responsible for withholding 25% of the gross amount of these types of income. However, if the country where you live has an international tax agreement with Canada, the provisions of that agreement may reduce the rate of withholding tax.This letter is not a waiver or a reduction of any withholding taxes that may apply to income earned or received from a source in Canada. In order to obtain such a waiver or reduction in withholding tax, you have to apply at the appropriate tax services office.We have based our opinion on the information you provided. Should your situation change, this opinion about your residency status may also change.This opinion may be subject to a more detailed review at a later date.If you have any questions about this letter, contact the International Tax Services Office ...

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