加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty


我去年存了$5000在PC的TFSA, 今年初又存$5000, 一切都??铨直到... 我有一?ING的??~ 办?它的TFSA利息比蒉高所以我就把在PC的TFSA彦的$10000弈到我的chequing account(跟ING呗劫的account),然後又弈到ING的TFSA 孰不知......... 今天才知道原??TFSA弈出?遑~ 铪度不??原遑不能褚上又存回去要到隔一年才能存回去(譬如你存了$3000, 铪度剩$2000, 你若提出$1000, 今年铪度?是只有$2000) 就呃?... 我在8月存咄的$100009月4?才办?就褚上弈出~ 呃$10000要付一?月1%的penalty,8月9月都要付就是$200 天?...想存多?遑,??成要花更多遑 以我的??~ 斤大家一?借缫吧!!

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty这个情况听过好几例了,很多人犯同样的错,现在的结果是,取消了这个罚款

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?这个情况听过好几例了,很多人犯同样的错,现在的结果是,取消了这个罚款点击展开... 我上咀查了一下好像是真2009年办生的今年?得到豁免因?是第一年不咿我今年犯的邋~ 不知道明年CRA?不?呃?好心也?我豁免

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty我上咀查了一下好像是真2009年办生的今年?得到豁免因?是第一年不咿我今年犯的邋~ 不知道明年CRA?不?呃?好心也?我豁免点击展开...决定权似乎在税务局。写封解释信试试。我同学也是由于收到税局通知才知道会被罚的。猜你也是听到被罚朋友讨论之后,才知道细则的,所以,要求税局不罚款,应该不算过分银行也是的,我觉得他们在帮税局挖陷阱

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?决定权似乎在税务局。写封解释信试试。我同学也是由于收到税局通知才知道会被罚的。猜你也是听到被罚朋友讨论之后,才知道细则的,所以,要求税局不罚款,应该不算过分银行也是的,我觉得他们在帮税局挖陷阱点击展开... 是阿~ 遑弈出之前也都??小字提醒一下,我看CRA靠呃?penalty搞不好又可以收好多?了

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty是阿~ 遑弈出之前也都??小字提醒一下,我看CRA靠呃?penalty搞不好又可以收好多?了点击展开...对呀,就算删除照片,相机还会来个警示。那么大几间银行,都愣装傻。我几个朋友都遭暗算了。还好我的钱进免息户头后,直接买基金,不方便操作才逃过一劫

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty别把事情想的太歪,回头跟cra联系一下,应该可以减免的。今年已经是第二年了,法案已经公布了这么久,每个成年人都有责任和义务去了解相关法规,没有理由推托说自己不知道或不清楚的;除非你有医生证明你精神或心智上没有能力进行判断、理解,或其他理由例如英语/法语理解方面有问题等。还好我们是中国人,英语是第二或第三语言,总可以把这个理解问题推到自己语言不行的方面,取得他们的谅解。此外,每个人都有转款或换产品的自由,多交税少交税是自己的事情。银行职员大部分没有这方面的职责或资格、也就意味着他们没有能力也没有权力对你的决定提供建议或询问,否则他们将有可能被客户投诉/起诉。这是你的个人决定。除非你主动提问,他们会把你转到了解此事的职员处理。我们到了单位,碰到客户提问,自己不是负责那方面的,只能一问三不知(就算知道也不能开口说,否则出问题后自己要负全责),把客户转到专门负责这种事情的同事去处理(这也是为什么你看到银行的低级职员总是那几张脸,而高级职员常常换面孔的原因 -- 内部调查发生问责后,当时做决定或做出该投资建议的职员离开了,而这种事情经常发生)。cra和银行之间没有任何业务关联,银行也无权过问cra的事情,只能依照cra的指示,该扣钱就扣钱,该冻结账户就冻结账户;如果cra不满意,银行要重新执行,还有可能要交纳罚款,耗时又耗财力。cra的权利很大,任何质疑或交涉,都应该直接去跟cra讨论、申诉,而不是跟银行。银行没有与cra就客户私人存款行为事务商讨的权利。

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty跟大家update一下今年大概8月多的候有收到cra的信要我交Penalty我有信去解了在收到回覆等有新的展再回告!!

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty一年5000就是一年内只能存入5000,取出存入折腾,就等于1万了。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard跟大家update一下今年大概8月多的候有收到cra的信要我交Penalty我有信去解了在收到回覆等有新的展再回告!!点击展开...

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty玩游戏之前一定要先搞清游戏规则。

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penaltyMaking withdrawals Depending on the type of investment held in your TFSA, you can generally withdraw any amount from the TFSA at any time and for any reason, with no tax consequences. However, you cannot contribute more than your TFSA contribution room in a given year, even if you make withdrawals from the account during the year. For information on withdrawing amounts from your TFSA, contact your TFSA issuer. Withdrawals, excluding qualifying transfers and specified distributions, made from your TFSA in the year will be added back to your TFSA contribution room at the beginning of the following year. NoteYou cannot contribute more than your TFSA contribution room in a given year, even if you make withdrawals from the account during the year. Withdrawals from the account in the year will be added to your contribution room in the following year. If you over-contribute in the year, you will be subject to a tax equal to 1% of the highest excess TFSA amount in the month, for each month you are in an excess contribution position. For an example, see Tax payable on excess TFSA amount. You don't need to report any contributions or withdrawals you made during the year on your individual tax return. Example 1 In 2009, Sarah contributed $5,000 to her TFSA. In 2010, she makes another $5,000 contribution to her TFSA. Later that year, she withdraws $3,000 for a trip. Unfortunately, her plans change and she cannot go. Since Sarah already contributed the maximum to her TFSA earlier in the year, she has no TFSA contribution room left. If she wishes to re-contribute part or all of the $3,000, she will have to wait until the beginning of 2011 to do so. If she re-contributes before 2011, she will have an excess amount in her TFSA and will be charged a monthly tax of 1% on the highest excess TFSA amount for each month that an excess exists in the account. The $3,000 will be added to her TFSA contribution room at the beginning of 2011. Example 2 In 2009, Carl is allowed to contribute $5,000. He contributes $2,000 for that year. 2009 TFSA dollar limit $5,000 2009 contributions - $2,000 Unused TFSA contribution room available for future years $3,000 In 2010, Carl does not contribute to his TFSA, but he makes a $1,000 withdrawal from his account (this withdrawal will be added only on his TFSA contribution room for 2011). 2009 unused TFSA contribution room $3,000 2010 TFSA dollar limit + $5,000 2010 unused TFSA contribution room available for future years $8,000 Carl's TFSA contribution room for 2011 2010 unused TFSA contribution room $8,000 2010 withdrawal + $1,000 2011 TFSA dollar limit + $5,000 TFSA contribution room at the beginning of 2011 $14,000

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty现在还是这个政策吗。为什么TD的说一个月可以存取一次?

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty你取就没有关系,存的话过了限额要被罚,银行小经理的话你如果完全的相信,你有苦头吃,这是我血的教训。现在还是这个政策吗。为什么TD的说一个月可以存取一次?点击展开...

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty如果你弄的是fund transfer 就不会罚你。点击展开...这是什么意思呢?

回复: ?了~ ?了高一?利息的TFSA, 我可能要付?百的penalty就是把TFSA account的钱直接从PC银行 转到ING TFSA account. 在ing 填一个表,ing会帮你做,大概需要3-4周。但是fund transfer pc 会收你50块手续费。可是你先转到checking account, 就是withdraw TFSA (取现了)。 ING 比PC 要好的太多了。如果你以后想从ing转出到其他银行, 没有任何费用。ING checking account 转款快,saving account 到checking account 当时就到帐。

  ·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局



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