加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息政府退税支票的钱可以找人代取么?支票多久过
回复: 政府退税支票的钱可以找人代取么?支票多久过期?依照法律规定,加拿大政府的支票没有过期日。任何时候加拿大银行(Bank of Canada)都应当免费兑现。更多信息可在下面的政府网上找到: A government cheque is called a "Receiver General Warrant", which means an authorization for the payment of money by the Government of Canada. According to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) ― the government department responsible for issuing federal payments ― a Receiver General Warrant is never out of date and can always be cashed. However, most institutions are reluctant to cash cheques that are more than six months old, since they are usually considered "staledated". If you are having a problem cashing an old federal government cheque, return it to PWGSC's Cheque Redemption Control Directorate and ask to have it reissued with a current date. http://www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/eng/resources/faq/QAView-eng.asp?id=257
回复: 政府退税支票的钱可以找人代取么?支票多久过期?应该没事,刚来的时候我老婆没在CRA上注册银行账号,退了几块钱税,给邮寄的支票,懒的去存放了一年多,这次退税的时候把它存了,有效。
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