加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教有关TFSA问题
回复: 请教有关TFSA问题会罚款吧,问问银行怎么办
回复: 请教有关TFSA问题看看CRA给你的通知上你TFSA的上限是多少,如果超过了供款是要罚款的,只是超过供款上限的那一部分罚款而已,如果limit是20000, 你给了20100, 那么就在100那里罚款, 如果是10%的话,就要罚10刀。
回复: 请教有关TFSA问题The fact is you over contributed 100. CRA will eventually find out and will send you a letter for penalty. How they calculate the penalty is very complicated. The good news is CRA admits that the TFSA is a new concept to most of the Canadians and therefore caused a lot confusion. They have been waiving the penalties. All you need is to write them a letter say I made an honest mistake. I forgot and over contributed 100, please waive the penalty and CRA will waive it for you. Don't forget to sign the letter. I have done several for our clients. So dont worry. At work, cannot type chinese.
春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。若无闲事在心头,便是人间好时节。回复: 请教有关TFSA问题这个问题我也经历过,当时税务局告诉我有2万的limit,结果我就存了两万。但是后来发现其实只有1万的limit,所以超了1万。如果你的钱还没有做投资,最好的方法是找银行让他们把你的金额改一下,比如说改少100。我当时就是找银行直接该少1万。如果已经做了投资,但是自己感觉受益没有超过8%那就取出100。如果超过了8%。那就放在里面也无所谓,反正赚的比罚款多。
回复: 请教有关TFSA问题The fact is you over contributed 100. CRA will eventually find out and will send you a letter for penalty. How they calculate the penalty is very complicated. The good news is CRA admits that the TFSA is a new concept to most of the Canadians and therefore caused a lot confusion. They have been waiving the penalties. All you need is to write them a letter say I made an honest mistake. I forgot and over contributed 100, please waive the penalty and CRA will waive it for you. Don't forget to sign the letter. I have done several for our clients. So dont worry. At work, cannot type chinese. 点击展开...其实仔细算下来,只有2010年9月到2010年12月之间超了100,这么久了也没收到CRA的信,请问会是什么情况?我还需要写信给他们吗?
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