加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&


短登以后回国,那么在国内工作的收入,到底是用T626表还是用T2209表报税?有的帖子说是T626,有的说是T2209,到底这两个表有什么区别呢? 懂行的大侠请指点一二,谢谢! Line 426 ? Overseas employment taxcreditYou may be able to claim this credit if both of the followingapply for 2007:■ You were a resident or deemed resident (as definedunder E on page 9) of Canada at any time in the year.■ You have employment income from certain kinds ofwork you did in another country.To make your claim, use Form T626, Overseas EmploymentTax Credit, and mail it with your tax return to theInternational Tax Services Office, 2204 Walkley Road, OttawaON K1A 1A8. For details, see Interpretation Bulletin IT-497,Overseas Employment Tax Credit, and Form T626. Line 405 ? Federal foreign tax creditThis credit is for foreign income or profits taxes you paidon income you received from outside Canada and reportedon your Canadian tax return. Complete Form T2209, FederalForeign Tax Credits, to calculate your credit and enter theamount from line 10 on line 405.NoteYou may have deducted an amount on line 256 forincome that is not taxable in Canada under a tax treaty.In that case, do not include that income, or any taxwithheld from it, in your foreign tax credit calculation.Receipts ? If you are filing a paper return, include yourcompleted Form T2209 and documents, such as officialreceipts, that show the foreign taxes you paid. If you paidtaxes to the U.S., attach your W-2 information slip,U.S. 1040 return, and any other supporting documents thatapply. If you are filing electronically, keep all of yourdocuments in case we ask to see them. Line 405 ? Federal foreign tax creditThis credit is for foreign income or profits taxes you paidon income you received from outside Canada and reportedon your Canadian tax return. Complete Form T2209, FederalForeign Tax Credits, to calculate your credit and enter theamount from line 10 on line 405.NoteYou may have deducted an amount on line 256 forincome that is not taxable in Canada under a tax treaty.In that case, do not include that income, or any taxwithheld from it, in your foreign tax credit calculation.Receipts ? If you are filing a paper return, include yourcompleted Form T2209 and documents, such as officialreceipts, that show the foreign taxes you paid. If you paidtaxes to the U.S., attach your W-2 information slip,U.S. 1040 return, and any other supporting documents thatapply. If you are filing electronically, keep all of yourdocuments in case we ask to see them.

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表T2209

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表T2209点击展开...谢谢楼上的,sigh,只能说,俺之前都报错了,呜呜

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表算算差多少,再做决定是否去更改.

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表“Note:You may have deducted an amount on line 256 forincome that is not taxable in Canada under a tax treaty.In that case, do not include that income, or any taxwithheld from it, in your foreign tax credit calculation.”我理解的是如果under a tax treaty, 你的收入不用再在加拿大缴纳了,就需要把这部收入在申请Foreign Tax Credit减掉。因为中国和加拿大有税收协议,那么我们在中国的税收在加就不需要再交了,也就不需要申请Foreign Tax Credit. 这个credit只是适用于从与加没有税收协议的国家拿到的收入,或是根据协议没有互免掉的那部分收入。请明白人给我解解惑。

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表“Note:You may have deducted an amount on line 256 forincome that is not taxable in Canada under a tax treaty.In that case, do not include that income, or any taxwithheld from it, in your foreign tax credit calculation.”我理解的是如果under a tax treaty, 你的收入不用再在加拿大缴纳了,就需要把这部收入在申请Foreign Tax Credit减掉。因为中国和加拿大有税收协议,那么我们在中国的税收在加就不需要再交了,也就不需要申请Foreign Tax Credit. 这个credit只是适用于从与加没有税收协议的国家拿到的收入,或是根据协议没有互免掉的那部分收入。请明白人给我解解惑。

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表我填的也是T2209

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表“Note:You may have deducted an amount on line 256 forincome that is not taxable in Canada under a tax treaty.In that case, do not include that income, or any taxwithheld from it, in your foreign tax credit calculation.”我理解的是如果under a tax treaty, 你的收入不用再在加拿大缴纳了,就需要把这部收入在申请Foreign Tax Credit减掉。因为中国和加拿大有税收协议,那么我们在中国的税收在加就不需要再交了,也就不需要申请Foreign Tax Credit. 这个credit只是适用于从与加没有税收协议的国家拿到的收入,或是根据协议没有互免掉的那部分收入。请明白人给我解解惑。点击展开...税收协议关于消除双重征税是指按缔约国一方计算的应纳税额可以扣除已在缔约国另一方已经交纳的税额进行交纳.在加拿大是用foreign tax credit 来计算此抵扣额度.

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表你好,我已??T2209,??line431上的Foreign non-business income Non-business income tax paind to a foreign country 到底是什麽意思?因?如果填上一定?铪的?,line3 的?算劫果就有?铨,因?line3下?著The amount on line 3 should not be more than the amount on line429 of your Schedule 1. 而我的schedule1的line429的劫果是0,so ,非常不解,希望能得到回?,著著各位!

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表你好,我已??T2209,??line431上的Foreign non-business income Non-business income tax paind to a foreign country 到底是什麽意思? 国外非经营性收入和国外非经营性收入在国外交纳的税 (可以简单理解为你在国内的工资/利息/证券投资收入及代扣的所得税 因?如果填上一定?铪的?,line3 的?算劫果就有?铨,因?line3下?著The amount on line 3 should not be more than the amount on line429 of your Schedule 1. 而我的schedule1的line429的劫果是0,so ,非常不解,希望能得到回?,著著各位!点击展开...你的Line 429一般不应该为0, 你首先应该在schedule 1 line 34 & 37 有数字,难道你在line 350, 425~427也有数字吗?

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表你的Line 429一般不应该为0, 你首先应该在schedule 1 line 34 & 37 有数字,难道你在line 350, 425~427也有数字吗?点击展开...是的,我的line429是??,所以填0。line34&37是有?字,但蒉少。line350是?line26?的。我的schedule1?2~22都是0,所以最後的劫果在24是9600x15%,固在line26有?字。

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表是的,我的line429是??,所以填0。line34&37是有?字,但蒉少。line350是?line26?的。我的schedule1?2~22都是0,所以最後的劫果在24是9600x15%,固在line26有?字。点击展开...由于你的Line 429 为0,你在国内交的税就不能在这里抵扣,故line 405 为0. 原因是,你在国内的收入少于9600,在加拿大不需要补/交税,当然更不能退税了.

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表由于你的Line 429 为0,你在国内交的税就不能在这里抵扣,故line 405 为0. 原因是,你在国内的收入少于9600,在加拿大不需要补/交税,当然更不能退税了.点击展开...非常多著您的答?。但我?内的收入?填哪奄呢?

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表line 104 (税前的)

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表line 104 (税前的)点击展开...非常感著您的?助。那麽真,我就不用填T2209啦?

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表非常感著您的?助。那麽真,我就不用填T2209啦?点击展开...Line 104 填写你国内的工资性收入,T2209计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Federal tax, T2036计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Provincial tax. 建议你最好找会计师了

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表Line 104 填写你国内的工资性收入,T2209计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Federal tax, T2036计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Provincial tax. 建议你最好找会计师了点击展开...太好啦,再次多著大?。我?内工儋才一??,所得?也只有一??。我要弄清楚的是每?表格所代表的?西。?在剿于清晰了。再次多著。以後?有一些自?的??,到??多??忙檫港。多著多著。

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表我用STUDIOTAX为什么LINE104填不进去?

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表我用STUDIOTAX为什么LINE104填不进去?点击展开...双击line 104即可.

回复: 请教:报税时国内收入部分是填T626表还是T2209&T2036表Line 104 填写你国内的工资性收入,T2209计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Federal tax, T2036计算你国内已交的所得税有多少可以在加抵扣Provincial tax. 建议你最好找会计师了 填了line 256(Additional deductions ,Exempt foreign income ) 的deduction 就不用填 line 405 Federal foreign tax credit ( T2209)的credit了?

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