加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?难说,没有公告吗?是停业还是破产还是私有化?也许不能在交易所买卖了,但是也许可以在柜台交易
我抛弃了所有的疑虑与忧伤,去追随无家的流水,那永恒的异乡在等着我回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?难说。你看american airline,从10c到现在的6块多。
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?难说。你看american airline,从10c到现在的6块多。点击展开...哦,也是delist了?
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?不要惊慌,按说应该不会没有任何征兆,突然退市。 美国股市的情况,如果某公司股票市价低于最低交易价(1美元)超过30个交易日,会向该公司提出退市警告,并限其在90天内改善公司业绩,使股票的市价回复到高于最低交易价的“可以接受”水平,否则该公司将被勒令退市。在某些情况下,会给上了“退市”名单的公司3个月以上的宽限期。 加拿大应该也差不多。楼主现在查一下这个上市公司公告,应该能得到更为详细的信息。
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?楼主不妨说出那公司代号让大家帮你看一下
我抛弃了所有的疑虑与忧伤,去追随无家的流水,那永恒的异乡在等着我回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?CMK谢谢楼上各位!
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?Cline announces de-listing from TSXPress Release: Cline Mining Corporation – Thu, Jun 13, 2013 7:56 PM EDTTORONTO , June 13, 2013 /CNW/ - Cline Mining Corporation ("Cline" or the "Company") (CMK.TO) announced today that it has made an application to the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") to voluntarily delist its shares from the exchange. Subject to confirmation from the TSX, Cline expects that the shares will be delisted from the TSX at the close of trading on June 21 , 2013. Cline had previously announced it had been placed under remedial listing review by the TSX. The listing review had been deferred by the TSX pending completion of the proposed rights offering. On June 3, 2013 Cline announced that the rights offering would not be proceeding. Subsequently, the board of directors of the Company decided to voluntarily delist the shares from the TSX.The Company's Executive Chairman, Mr. Mark Haywood stated "At the present time, continued listing on the TSX is not feasible for Cline and does not fit with its current business strategy. The Company expects that after delisting it will have additional flexibility with respect to financing options."Cline is currently in negotiations will Marret Asset Management Inc. ("Marret"), on behalf of certain bondholders, with respect to an alternate financing. Cline does not expect to have sufficient funds to pay the $3.4 million interest payment due on June 17, 2013 to its existing bondholders. Cline is also negotiating a forbearance agreement with Marret, on behalf of existing bondholders, that would address the June interest payment.Additionally, the Company announced that Mr. Ernest Cleave has resigned as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, and Mr. David Stone as Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately. Mr. Cleave has served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company since 2009, and Mr. Stone since mid-2012.About ClineCline is a Canadian mining company focused on the development of its 100% owned New Elk coking coal mine located in Colorado, U.S.A. The Company also has interests in metallurgical steel making coals in Canada , an iron ore project in Madagascar , and the Cline Lake gold property in northern Ontario, Canada . With a head office in Toronto and site offices at the mine, Cline is led by a management and operations team with over 100 years of exploration and mining experience.For further details on Cline, please refer to Cline's web site (www.clinemining.com) and Cline's Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at www.sedar.comThe Toronto Stock Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.SOURCE: Cline Mining CorporationContact:Mark HaywoodExecutive ChairmanCorporate officeClarkson Gordon Heritage Building 181 Bay Street, Toronto, M5J 2T3Telephone+1 (416) [email protected]
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?这样前景不明的垃圾股你也敢买啊,胆子比我还大。周五跌了75%,跌到 1分钱,不知道你多少买的,就是周四买的也损失惨重啊
我抛弃了所有的疑虑与忧伤,去追随无家的流水,那永恒的异乡在等着我回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?0.08买的,买了18000加币,我是瞎选的,要后悔死了大师,我该怎么办啊,下周一,我0.01全卖吗?
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?0.08买的,买了18000加币,我是瞎选的,要后悔死了大师,我该怎么办啊,下周一,我0.01全卖吗?点击展开...没事,1分钱的时候再买18000,等3年后大陆公司借壳上市,涨到18元你就发达了当然记得一点:这个是馊主意
悔改吧!主的日子近了没事,1分钱的时候再买18000,等3年后大陆公司借壳上市,涨到18元你就发达了当然记得一点:这个是馊主意 点击展开...别开我玩笑了,
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?我晕了,楼主,你选股是真是盲目,就是选个知名大公司象谷歌,苹果什么的,随便放着也不会退市的。或者你属于激进型的话,买中国概念股也好的多,至少有中国人在炒作,就是私有化也会溢价很多,比如你买你那个股的时候四月份就是买中国的无锡尚德stp,当时4-5毛。后来也可以翻1 倍多了 。下周一,这个股估计不是1分钱,而是0。001都有可能
我抛弃了所有的疑虑与忧伤,去追随无家的流水,那永恒的异乡在等着我回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?炒股十年,从未碰到这么惨痛的经历!这是买的第一只加拿大股票!
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?你要进入福布斯了。一定稳住!到时候分点?
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?你要进入福布斯了。一定稳住!到时候分点?点击展开...什么意思?我现在脑子不好使了
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?我现在该怎么办?卖了也没几个钱了。如果放着退市的话,我的股票还有吗?以后去哪里卖掉它?
回复: 股票突然停牌了,钱还在吗?目前账面上你还有2200多,但是不知道周一是否开盘。如果开盘又是怎样的价格。如果不再恢复上市,是否在场外交易?如果都不存在,你只是该公司的股东了,要求参加每年的股东大会吧,到时候问问管理层
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