加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教牙医保险问题
本人现正在治疗牙齿,自费数额实在是跟抢钱没什么两样啊。每次交费时,心如刀绞。在加拿大也只是新移民解决生存而已,实在有些吃不消了。 请问大侠们,哪位知道买牙医保险怎么买啊(本人工作单位没有牙医福利)? 先谢啦~~!!
回复: 请教牙医保险问题牙医保险一般标准(报销70%)的都每个月供款都过百,如果只是洗牙护理之类的是不需要买保险的,因为一年洗牙两次,每次最多也100而已。 不过像楼主你这样严重的情况,可能就要需要买份保险了。 购买牙医保险的公司,流程我PM给你。
回复: 请教牙医保险问题牙医保险一般标准(报销70%)的都每个月供款都过百,如果只是洗牙护理之类的是不需要买保险的,因为一年洗牙两次,每次最多也100而已。 不过像楼主你这样严重的情况,可能就要需要买份保险了。 购买牙医保险的公司,流程我PM给你。点击展开...!! 在下感激不尽!多谢啦!!
回复: 请教牙医保险问题能不能也发我一份,看牙实在太贵了!
回复: 请教牙医保险问题已发了,有问题请随时问我!
回复: 请教牙医保险问题最好能公布一下,让我等也可以了解。
回复: 请教牙医保险问题直接把policy给copy下来了,看不懂或者还有问题就pm我吧Dental coverage is for fillings, cleanings, scalings, examinations, polishing and certain extractionsRecall visits every 6 months, per personPercentage Paid To a maximum of(per anniversary year)Year 1On your first $1,200 of eligible services 70% $840Total benefits payable per person in your first anniversary year $840Year 2 and beyondOn your first $500 of eligible services 100% $500On your next $700 of eligible services 60% $420Total benefits payable per person in your second and subsequent anniversary years $920The following 6 dental services have a combined maximum of $1,250 per person per 3 year period. For oral surgery, periodontics and endodontics (root canal), benefits are available beginning Year 2; for orthodontics, crowns, bridges and dentures, no benefit is available until Year 3. The payment percentage increases from the effective date of the contract as follows:Anniversary Year 1Anniversary Year 2Anniversary Year 3 & beyondOral Surgery 0% 60% 80%Periodontics 0% 60% 80%Endodontics (Root Canal) 0% 60% 80%Orthodontics 0% 0% 60%Crowns, Bridges 0% 0% 60%Dentures 0% 0% 60%
回复: 请教牙医保险问题Back up!!
回复: 请教牙医保险问题For oral surgery, periodontics and endodontics (root canal), benefits are available beginning Year 2; for orthodontics, crowns, bridges and dentures, no benefit is available until Year 3.这个是哪个保险公司的呢?没有从第一年就可以的嘛?
回复: 请教牙医保险问题mark
回复: 请教牙医保险问题我也需要买一份牙医保险,请PM如何购买及价格.谢谢
回复: 请教牙医保险问题直接把policy给copy下来了,看不懂或者还有问题就pm我吧Dental coverage is for fillings, cleanings, scalings, examinations, polishing and certain extractionsRecall visits every 6 months, per personPercentage Paid To a maximum of(per anniversary year)Year 1On your first $1,200 of eligible services 70% $840Total benefits payable per person in your first anniversary year $840Year 2 and beyondOn your first $500 of eligible services 100% $500On your next $700 of eligible services 60% $420Total benefits payable per person in your second and subsequent anniversary years $920The following 6 dental services have a combined maximum of $1,250 per person per 3 year period. For oral surgery, periodontics and endodontics (root canal), benefits are available beginning Year 2; for orthodontics, crowns, bridges and dentures, no benefit is available until Year 3. The payment percentage increases from the effective date of the contract as follows:Anniversary Year 1Anniversary Year 2Anniversary Year 3 & beyondOral Surgery 0% 60% 80%Periodontics 0% 60% 80%Endodontics (Root Canal) 0% 60% 80%Orthodontics 0% 0% 60%Crowns, Bridges 0% 0% 60%Dentures 0% 0% 60%点击展开...我也需要买一份牙医保险,请PM如何购买及价格.谢谢
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