加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有关报税中child care fee问题
请问为什么都说要报到收入低下呢?我两个孩子child care fee去年1万多呢。谢谢!
回复: 有关报税中child care fee问题请问为什么都说要报到收入低下呢? 我两个孩子child care fee去年1万多呢。 谢谢!点击展开... 你想问什么? 在问为什么要把托儿费报在收入低的一方吗?如果说的这个,这是规定来的.但有好几种情况是可以报在收入高的一方,比如收入低的一方在上政府承认的学(LINC,ESL肯定不是啊),还有好几种情况,具体你可以上CRA上查......
回复: 有关报税中child care fee问题意思就是收入低的那个如果觉得不值得,最好在家带孩子
回复: 有关报税中child care fee问题child care 收据的名字如果是收入高的那一个人,报在收入高的这一方,没问题吧。
赏 child care 收据的名字如果是收入高的那一个人,报在收入高的这一方,没问题吧。点击展开...不行。
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 回复: 有关报税中child care fee问题Educational programAn educational program has to be offered by a secondary school,college, university, or other designated educational institution.This includes any institution certified by Employment and Social Development Canada for courses that develop or improve occupational skills. An eligible program has to last atleast 3 consecutive weeks. A full-time educational programrequires students to spend at least 10 hours a week on courses or work in the program. A part-time educational program requires students to spend at least 12 hours in a calendar month on courses in the program.找到上面这个解释。 没说 ESL LINC 上学不符合条件。 如果低收入一方全天上LINC ESL。是不是可以由高收入一方报?
赏 Educational programAn educational program has to be offered by a secondary school,college, university, or other designated educational institution.This includes any institution certified by Employment and Social Development Canada for courses that develop or improve occupational skills. An eligible program has to last atleast 3 consecutive weeks. A full-time educational programrequires students to spend at least 10 hours a week on courses or work in the program. A part-time educational program requires students to spend at least 12 hours in a calendar month on courses in the program. 找到上面这个解释。 没说 ESL LINC 上学不符合条件。 如果低收入一方全天上LINC ESL。是不是可以由高收入一方报?点击展开... 问过,不行.要不你再问问.....
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