加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息好奇, 这里有没有被CRA查过的经历
比较好奇,想知道如果被CRA查了会是怎样?一般是只查当年的? 还是说也有查好几年前的?如果是查好几年前的,岂不是得把收据一直留着吗?家里都已经攒了一堆了。被查之后,如果是当时政府多退了,是否要給多退的那部分钱付利息??
Chinada 说:据说税务局知道谁有问题,有时不会马上查的,先静静地养个两三年让鱼儿长大,然后几年下来连罚带补的能搞一大票。点击展开... 哈哈,这招是狠。
天涯 说:有被查的人也不会在这里述说被查的光辉历史,被查一般都是有问题的,没有人会把这么丢面子的事广而告之的。一般来说,报税资料要保留六年时间,六年之后扔掉可能不会有什么问题。我从来加拿大以来的所有报税文件都保留着。点击展开...看来做taxpayer还要改掉原来随便throw away东西的习惯。
观趣 说:比较好奇,想知道如果被CRA查了会是怎样?一般是只查当年的? 还是说也有查好几年前的?如果是查好几年前的,岂不是得把收据一直留着吗?家里都已经攒了一堆了。被查之后,如果是当时政府多退了,是否要給多退的那部分钱付利息??点击展开...這是第一部分Repeated failure to report income penaltyIf you failed to report an amount on your return for 2013, and you also failed to report an amount on your return for 2010, 2011, or 2012, you may have to pay a federal and provincial/territorial repeated failure to report income penalty. The federal and provincial/territorial penalties are each 10% of the amount that you failed to report on your return for 2013.However, if you voluntarily tell us about an amount you failed to report, we may waive these penalties. For more information, seeVoluntary Disclosures Program.還要加上利息(利率每3個月CRA會公布一次)InterestIf you have a balance owing for 2013, we charge compound daily interest starting May 1, 2014, on any unpaid amounts owingfor 2013. This includes any balance owing if we reassess your return. In addition, we will charge you interest on the penalties starting the day after your return is due. The rate of interest we charge can change every three months. See Prescribed interest rates.Interest rates for the second calendar quarterMarch 12, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Revenue AgencyThe Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) today announced the prescribed annual interest rates that will apply to any amounts owed to the CRA and to any amounts the CRA owes to individuals and corporations. These rates remain unchanged from the last quarter and will be in effect from April 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014.Income taxThe interest rate charged on overdue taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and employment insurance premiums will be 5%.The interest rate to be paid on corporate taxpayer overpayments will be 1%.The interest rate to be paid on non-corporate taxpayer overpayments will be 3%.The interest rate used to calculate taxable benefits for employees and shareholders from interest‑free and low-interest loans will be 1%.The interest rate for corporate taxpayers’ pertinent loans or indebtedness will be 4.89%.
Leo Insurance 说:這是第一部分 Repeated failure to report income penaltyIf you failed to report an amount on your return for 2013, and you also failed to report an amount on your return for 2010, 2011, or 2012, you may have to pay a federal and provincial/territorial repeated failure to report income penalty. The federal and provincial/territorial penalties are each 10% of the amount that you failed to report on your return for 2013. However, if you voluntarily tell us about an amount you failed to report, we may waive these penalties. For more information, seeVoluntary Disclosures Program. 還要加上利息(利率每3個月CRA會公布一次) InterestIf you have a balance owing for 2013, we charge compound daily interest starting May 1, 2014, on any unpaid amounts owingfor 2013. This includes any balance owing if we reassess your return. In addition, we will charge you interest on the penalties starting the day after your return is due. The rate of interest we charge can change every three months. See Prescribed interest rates.Interest rates for the second calendar quarter March 12, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Revenue Agency The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) today announced the prescribed annual interest rates that will apply to any amounts owed to the CRA and to any amounts the CRA owes to individuals and corporations. These rates remain unchanged from the last quarter and will be in effect from April 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014. Income taxThe interest rate charged on overdue taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and employment insurance premiums will be 5%.The interest rate to be paid on corporate taxpayer overpayments will be 1%.The interest rate to be paid on non-corporate taxpayer overpayments will be 3%.The interest rate used to calculate taxable benefits for employees and shareholders from interest‑free and low-interest loans will be 1%.The interest rate for corporate taxpayers’ pertinent loans or indebtedness will be 4.89%.点击展开...十分感谢Leo关注了我的帖子。 我又借此向您求点建议吧。本人的妻子2013年7月的时候因病住院,所以邀请的她的母亲来加拿大照顾。医生可以开证明有3个月(7月 - 9月)的时间病人需要有人照顾和打理日常的生活。所以其实丈母来加探亲,多半是全职照顾她的。我这些天有打电话去CRA询问是否可以报一部分family caregiver amount, 例如丈母的一些日常的食宿。一连问了好几位representative。 答案也是说法不一。。。说不行的,原因是我们没有直接雇佣丈母做 护理工。没有办法证明有付钱給她。还有说因为是visitor,没有income。不能报税云云。。。说可行的,则是因为有医生的证明。(我个人觉得CRA里有好多representative感觉好像call centre啊。好几位答的时候,等的时间很长, 都是现翻阅guide,然后照念一遍的感觉。 ) 因此有点想试着先报。。只是如果像楼上几位说得那样,CRA若把这审查撂个一年再拿出来翻旧账。。。这个利息可就高了。。。不知道类似这样模棱两可的事,CRA一般是先退自己报的那部分? 还是会先要求审查? 我都想直接把所有的医药收据证明连同2013的报表一起寄个CRA,由他们决定是否能保,今年就不用电子报税了。
观趣 说:十分感谢Leo关注了我的帖子。 我又借此向您求点建议吧。本人的妻子2013年7月的时候因病住院,所以邀请的她的母亲来加拿大照顾。医生可以开证明有3个月(7月 - 9月)的时间病人需要有人照顾和打理日常的生活。所以其实丈母来加探亲,多半是全职照顾她的。我这些天有打电话去CRA询问是否可以报一部分family caregiver amount, 例如丈母的一些日常的食宿。一连问了好几位representative。 答案也是说法不一。。。说不行的,原因是我们没有直接雇佣丈母做 护理工。没有办法证明有付钱給她。还有说因为是visitor,没有income。不能报税云云。。。说可行的,则是因为有医生的证明。(我个人觉得CRA里有好多representative感觉好像call centre啊。好几位答的时候,等的时间很长, 都是现翻阅guide,然后照念一遍的感觉。 )因此有点想试着先报。。只是如果像楼上几位说得那样,CRA若把这审查撂个一年再拿出来翻旧账。。。这个利息可就高了。。。不知道类似这样模棱两可的事,CRA一般是先退自己报的那部分? 还是会先要求审查?我都想直接把所有的医药收据证明连同2013的报表一起寄个CRA,由他们决定是否能保,今年就不用电子报税了。点击展开...我也沒有確定的答案。不過我覺得不行報,因為你丈母是探親,不是工作簽證,不能在加拿大打工當然也就不能領薪水。另外~你說對了 CRA 的 representative就是類似call center。只是些實習生,回答問題的不是那些查稅的人。所以他們講的........不一定正確
我被查过 朋友也被查过 寄去资料就没事了 最近查的较多是因为牛奶金吧
我也沒有確定的答案。不過我覺得不行報,因為你丈母是探親,不是工作簽證,不能在加拿大打工當然也就不能領薪水。 另外~你說對了 CRA 的 representative就是類似call center。只是些實習生,回答問題的不是那些查稅的人。所以他們講的........不一定正確点击展开...哈哈,同意Leo的想法。再次感谢您的帮忙!
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