加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报税问题:关于


请教专业人士:如果我在 application for the Ontario energy and property tax credit 下面打勾,就会显示我可以全年领取:555元。但去年我请人帮我报税没有打勾,所以没有。我今年可以申请吗?谢谢!


12/7/9 长登多伦多 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=558680 2014-04-09#3 K 9,256 $0.00 勾上吧,不符合符合就会给钱的

问:I am eligible for the 2014 OEPTC payments, but I forgot to apply for them when I filed my 2013 income tax and benefit return. Can I still apply for them?答:Yes. You have to request an adjustment to your 2013 return. Do not file another 2013 income tax and benefit return. Instead, you can make your request by using our My Account online service. My Account is a secure, convenient, and time saving way to access and manage your tax and benefit information online, seven days a week. For information on how to register, see My Account.You can also send the following information to your tax centre: a completed Form T1-ADJ, T1 Adjustment Request, or a signed letter indicating that you want to apply for the 2014 OEPTC amounts on your 2013 return.Please attach to your letter or Form T1-ADJ a completed Form ON-BEN or provide information for whichever of the following apply to you:a statement that indicates whether you lived in a designated Ontario university, college, or private school residence in 2013;the rent paid by or for you for your principal residence in Ontario for 2013;the property tax paid by or for you for your principal residence in Ontario for 2013;the home energy costs paid by or for you for your principal residence on a reserve in Ontario for 2013; orthe accommodation costs paid by or for you for living in a public long-term care home in Ontario for 2013.Note:If you forgot to apply for the OEPTC on your 2011 or 2012 returns, you still can. Just follow the instructions above but provide the requested information for the applicable tax year.


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