加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报working income tax benefit 时 为什么无法选eligible
如题。我的老婆是在国内,是非税务居民 报税时在Studiotax中选的non-resident。可是在我填working income tax benefit( schedule 6)时无法选eligible spouse。 是不是按照税法,在这种情况下就不能选呀?请教了,谢谢
bbbbbbb如题。我的老婆是在国内,是非税务居民 报税时在Studiotax中选的non-resident。可是在我填working income tax benefit( schedule 6)时无法选eligible spouse。 是不是按照税法,在这种情况下就不能选呀?请教了,谢谢点击展开...能申請到非稅務居民,一定不算是 eligibale spouseEligible spouse - For the purpose of the WITB, an eligible spouse is a person who meets all the following conditions. He or she:was your spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2013;was a resident of Canada throughout 2013;was not a full-time student enrolled at a designated educational institution for a total of more than 13 weeks in the year, unless he or she had an eligible dependant at the end of the year;was not confined to a prison or similar institution for a period of 90 days or more during the year; andwas not exempt from income tax in Canada for a period in the year when the person was an officer or servant of another country, such as a diplomat, or a family member or employee of such a person at any time in the year.
关于eligible spouse/eligible dependant/以及申请人本身的资格问题都有详细的定义,上网或者在guide手册都上可以查看。
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