来加拿大也6,7年了,以前报税都是委托税务师报的,最近打算自己通过NETFILE报,结果发现很多问题是懂非懂,在这里想请教下税务达人。1. Tax Credit 和 Tax deduction 两者有什么区别?我在网上找到一片文章 What is a tax credit , 关于 tax credit 这篇文章里是这么说的:“A tax credit, on the other hand, is a deduction from tax owing. Provided the credit can be used, each taxpayer receives the same tax relief with a tax credit regardless of his or her particular tax bracket.”可怜我的英语,每个单词都认识,真个一句说什么就是搞不懂之所以要搞懂这个credit, 是因为我看到了 “The Caregiver credit" , 说明如下:The caregiver creditBecause of the above income threshold, most taxpayers who provide care to an elderly relative living with them cannot claim the eligible dependant credit because payments under the Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement programs are well in excess of the threshold. As a result, there’s another tax credit available if you reside with and provide in-home care for a parent or grandparent who is 65 years of age or older. The age restriction is removed if the relative is dependent on you by reason of mental or physical infirmity.The maximum caregiver amount for 2015 is $4,608. However, in this case, the eligible credit amount does not start to be reduced until the dependant’s net income reaches $15,735. No credit will be available once the dependant’s net income exceeds $20,343. Also, the caregiver credit won’t be available if any person claims an eligible dependant or infirm dependant tax credit with respect to the dependant.我母亲15年刚登陆(我办的担保移民),目前和我住一起,那我是不是可以申请这个Caregiver credit 呢?2. 药物费用退税,CRA官网地址:http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/medical/ 大致看了下,我母亲如果看病,如果医生开了处方药,是不是我也是可以申请退税的?(因为我母亲没有任何收入,所有费用都是我付的),但这是不是不符合担保移民的要求?归根结底我还是没搞懂担保移民都要我担保些什么?
royer 说:来加拿大也6,7年了,以前报税都是委托税务师报的,最近打算自己通过NETFILE报,结果发现很多问题是懂非懂,在这里想请教下税务达人。1. Tax Credit 和 Tax deduction 两者有什么区别?我在网上找到一片文章 What is a tax credit , 关于 tax credit 这篇文章里是这么说的:“A tax credit, on the other hand, is a deduction from tax owing. Provided the credit can be used, each taxpayer receives the same tax relief with a tax credit regardless of his or her particular tax bracket.”可怜我的英语,每个单词都认识,真个一句说什么就是搞不懂之所以要搞懂这个credit, 是因为我看到了 “The Caregiver credit" , 说明如下:The caregiver creditBecause of the above income threshold, most taxpayers who provide care to an elderly relative living with them cannot claim the eligible dependant credit because payments under the Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement programs are well in excess of the threshold. As a result, there’s another tax credit available if you reside with and provide in-home care for a parent or grandparent who is 65 years of age or older. The age restriction is removed if the relative is dependent on you by reason of mental or physical infirmity.The maximum caregiver amount for 2015 is $4,608. However, in this case, the eligible credit amount does not start to be reduced until the dependant’s net income reaches $15,735. No credit will be available once the dependant’s net income exceeds $20,343. Also, the caregiver credit won’t be available if any person claims an eligible dependant or infirm dependant tax credit with respect to the dependant.我母亲15年刚登陆(我办的担保移民),目前和我住一起,那我是不是可以申请这个Caregiver credit 呢?2. 药物费用退税,CRA官网地址:http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/medical/ 大致看了下,我母亲如果看病,如果医生开了处方药,是不是我也是可以申请退税的?(因为我母亲没有任何收入,所有费用都是我付的),但这是不是不符合担保移民的要求?归根结底我还是没搞懂担保移民都要我担保些什么?点击展开...我不是达人,试着回答你第一个问题。报税从两方面算,先算应该交多少税,就是你的总收入减去tax deduction(如EI费用),乘以适用税率。第二步算tax credit,每人有基本额度一万左右,加上其他一些credit,乘以适用税率。最后用第一个数字减第二个数字,就是实际纳税额。如果结果是负数,纳税额为零。如果你母亲没有任何收入,你应该可以申请这个caregiver credit
朝阳群众 说:deduction是直接扣除你的应税收入,从而降低税额,比如RRSP。credit是应税收入不变,基本税额也不变,但在此基础上免除一部分。点击展开...基本正确,deduction最简单,总收入可以变少;credit的话是抵税额,最终要交的税是:应纳税 = 收入*税率 - 抵税额,如果是负,那么你就不要交税了。如果你是上班族,往往公司已把部分税预先扣除了,扣除部分大于应纳税额,那么就有退税,小于的话,就要补稅。
人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。 赏

期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.来加拿大也6,7年了,以前报税都是委托税务师报的,最近打算自己通过NETFILE报,结果发现很多问题是懂非懂,在这里想请教下税务达人。1. Tax Credit 和 Tax deduction 两者有什么区别?我在网上找到一片文章 What is a tax credit , 关于 tax credit 这篇文章里是这么说的:“A tax credit, on the other hand, is a deduction from tax owing. Provided the credit can be used, each taxpayer receives the same tax relief with a tax credit regardless of his or her particular tax bracket.”可怜我的英语,每个单词都认识,真个一句说什么就是搞不懂之所以要搞懂这个credit, 是因为我看到了 “The Caregiver credit" , 说明如下:The caregiver creditBecause of the above income threshold, most taxpayers who provide care to an elderly relative living with them cannot claim the eligible dependant credit because payments under the Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement programs are well in excess of the threshold. As a result, there’s another tax credit available if you reside with and provide in-home care for a parent or grandparent who is 65 years of age or older. The age restriction is removed if the relative is dependent on you by reason of mental or physical infirmity.The maximum caregiver amount for 2015 is $4,608. However, in this case, the eligible credit amount does not start to be reduced until the dependant’s net income reaches $15,735. No credit will be available once the dependant’s net income exceeds $20,343. Also, the caregiver credit won’t be available if any person claims an eligible dependant or infirm dependant tax credit with respect to the dependant.我母亲15年刚登陆(我办的担保移民),目前和我住一起,那我是不是可以申请这个Caregiver credit 呢?2. 药物费用退税,CRA官网地址:http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/medical/ 大致看了下,我母亲如果看病,如果医生开了处方药,是不是我也是可以申请退税的?(因为我母亲没有任何收入,所有费用都是我付的),但这是不是不符合担保移民的要求?归根结底我还是没搞懂担保移民都要我担保些什么?点击展开...
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