我已經準備好了,現在楂長線的$600000藍籌股在2015年共收股息約3萬加元。我打算再投入多5萬加強收息能力! 很想全數買HSBC收6.85%年息。但會等美國大選后股市下調后才行動。心中入貨價位是$36.50 (今天做$38左右)October 25th, 2016Follow Buffet's Dividend Strategy...With Just One Stock!There's something you may not know about Warren Buffett...He's practically a pauper compared to his peers. While other industry big wigs take home paychecks in the tens of millions of dollars, Buffett's annual salary is capped at a mere $100,000!But before you shed a tear for "poor Uncle Warren," there's something you must know...His fortune has been made almost entirely on dividend payouts.You see, while Warren took home a modest $1,923.08 per paycheck, he raked in an astounding $62 million from the dividends spun from his personal holdings. He simply sits on his tried and true “value stocks” and lets the money roll in.Warren's fortune will be piling up each and every quarter without him having to lift a finger! It's simple enough for anyone to do, and it's wildly effective.You see, there are thousands of dividend stocks to choose from, so where do you even start?Well, there is one secret group of dividend champions that has increased payouts for over two decades. Now, if you aren't a billionaire, you'd have to compile a huge portfolio of diversified dividend stocks. But we've found an easy way to invest in every one of these dividend champions in one fell swoop...The newest report from the Outsider Club, "The Only Dividend Stock You Can Hold Forever," will show you one stock you can buy and hold forever, and ride carefree straight to massive fortune...You'll be able to invest right alongside the legendary investor, even if you've never bought a stock in your life.
eflee 说:你的火车头好似想启动?点击展开...生意淡薄、不離XX。
小青 说:汇丰好企业好股票,这几年可惜了2007年在香港银行学会培训时老师说汇丰目前一百二十几,铁底是八十,若八十蚊闭着眼睛买绝对不会错。点击展开...80hkd
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1股息是不是全额征税的?如果15年3万的股息,那楼主缴税交了多少?点击展开...交多少稅是看你的個人或家庭收入了。我個人太多投資,有賺有虧之下交稅都不會太多的。但稅一定要交少少,才有社會責任嗎!
Housing up up up 说:我已經準備好了,現在楂長線的$600000藍籌股在2015年共收股息約3萬加元。我打算再投入多5萬加強收息能力! 很想全數買HSBC收6.85%年息。但會等美國大選后股市下調后才行動。心中入貨價位是$36.50 (今天做$38左右)October 25th, 2016Follow Buffet's Dividend Strategy...With Just One Stock!There's something you may not know about Warren Buffett...He's practically a pauper compared to his peers. While other industry big wigs take home paychecks in the tens of millions of dollars, Buffett's annual salary is capped at a mere $100,000!But before you shed a tear for "poor Uncle Warren," there's something you must know...His fortune has been made almost entirely on dividend payouts.You see, while Warren took home a modest $1,923.08 per paycheck, he raked in an astounding $62 million from the dividends spun from his personal holdings. He simply sits on his tried and true “value stocks” and lets the money roll in.Warren's fortune will be piling up each and every quarter without him having to lift a finger! It's simple enough for anyone to do, and it's wildly effective.You see, there are thousands of dividend stocks to choose from, so where do you even start?Well, there is one secret group of dividend champions that has increased payouts for over two decades. Now, if you aren't a billionaire, you'd have to compile a huge portfolio of diversified dividend stocks. But we've found an easy way to invest in every one of these dividend champions in one fell swoop...The newest report from the Outsider Club, "The Only Dividend Stock You Can Hold Forever," will show you one stock you can buy and hold forever, and ride carefree straight to massive fortune...You'll be able to invest right alongside the legendary investor, even if you've never bought a stock in your life.点击展开...手中有ko,td,cost,brk.b,wfc,t, ge,v。分红还可以。你有什么,除了mcd如果只能选一只毫无风险,ko,百事可乐也可以,A股就是茅台
小青 说:汇丰好企业好股票,这几年可惜了2007年在香港银行学会培训时老师说汇丰目前一百二十几,铁底是八十,若八十蚊闭着眼睛买绝对不会错。点击展开...给果跌到30,这老师不靠谱
Housing up up up 说:我已經準備好了,現在楂長線的$600000藍籌股在2015年共收股息約3萬加元。我打算再投入多5萬加強收息能力! 很想全數買HSBC收6.85%年息。但會等美國大選后股市下調后才行動。心中入貨價位是$36.50 (今天做$38左右)October 25th, 2016Follow Buffet's Dividend Strategy...With Just One Stock!There's something you may not know about Warren Buffett...He's practically a pauper compared to his peers. While other industry big wigs take home paychecks in the tens of millions of dollars, Buffett's annual salary is capped at a mere $100,000!But before you shed a tear for "poor Uncle Warren," there's something you must know...His fortune has been made almost entirely on dividend payouts.You see, while Warren took home a modest $1,923.08 per paycheck, he raked in an astounding $62 million from the dividends spun from his personal holdings. He simply sits on his tried and true “value stocks” and lets the money roll in.Warren's fortune will be piling up each and every quarter without him having to lift a finger! It's simple enough for anyone to do, and it's wildly effective.You see, there are thousands of dividend stocks to choose from, so where do you even start?Well, there is one secret group of dividend champions that has increased payouts for over two decades. Now, if you aren't a billionaire, you'd have to compile a huge portfolio of diversified dividend stocks. But we've found an easy way to invest in every one of these dividend champions in one fell swoop...The newest report from the Outsider Club, "The Only Dividend Stock You Can Hold Forever," will show you one stock you can buy and hold forever, and ride carefree straight to massive fortune...You'll be able to invest right alongside the legendary investor, even if you've never bought a stock in your life.点击展开...Google finance上hsbc 股息不怎么样啊,一年不到一块,还不如td
Housing up up up 说:Google finance上hsbc 股息不怎么样啊,一年不到一块,还不如td点击展开...加拿大银行股都应该到了强弩之末了, 不如将来美国银行股表现。
eflee 说:加拿大银行股都应该到了强弩之末了。点击展开...为啥?
mayibanjia 说:为啥?点击展开...1、加拿大2年基本加息无望2、借贷、房贷过于庞大特别是将来2年是去泡沫阶段,除非资源商品反弹,否则能保持目前盈利水平已经不错了。相反,美国都占据有利条件。
eflee 说:1、加拿大2年基本加息无望2、借贷、房贷过于庞大特别是将来2年是去泡沫阶段,除非资源商品反弹,否则能保持目前盈利水平已经不错了。相反,美国都占据有利条件。点击展开...不同意, 加拿大银行的稳健保守世界第一,数万亿资产,不良资产极少, 财经节目中专家评估资源资产估算最大损失不超千亿。 银行还有最煞食一招叫裁员。 加拿大银行比美国的好得多。
YOUKE1 说:不同意, 加拿大银行的稳健保守世界第一,数万亿资产,不良资产极少, 财经节目中专家评估资源资产估算最大损失不超千亿。 银行还有最煞食一招叫裁员。 加拿大银行比美国的好得多。点击展开...保守得多,比美国银行。
mayibanjia 说:给果跌到30,这老师不靠谱点击展开...揸長線,季季收8%-10%高息。香港008也回升到$68了。過多3年5年,又見紅底了,息又繼續收,夠糊口!

mayibanjia 说:保守得多,比美国银行。点击展开...保守就是好!眼見美國很多銀行都很不濟,這幾年也倒閉了不少,怕怕。加拿大銀行體系穩健得多,我喜歡!
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