请教论坛里的前辈和大神关于保税和退税的几个问题,今年的2月来到加拿大开始工作,但是对于这边的报税和退税的相关知识一知半解,有几个问题想请教大家,1,2019年2月开始工作,现在是4月听朋友说每年4月开始报税了,不知道我现在只工作了2个月也需要报吗,如果需要报,一般都是如何去报?2,听说有,GST, 还有family tax cut, 这些退税和每年的报税的退税是一回事吗?还是其他可以进行申请的退税种类?这种可退的税一共有多少种?我这种情况只工作了2个月可以申请这种退税吗?问题比较小白,对于加国这边的税务操作完全没有clue,还请论坛各位前辈和大神不吝赐教,这里先谢过了!!!
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)现在报的是2018年的收入税务情况。你2019年才变成税务居民,那就是2020年春天再报税。GST之类的可以单独申请,需要填你去年2018年2017年的收入。请参考下表申请:https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/migration/cra-arc/formspubs/prioryear/rc151/rc151-08e.pdf点击展开...好像GST改了不用单独申请,税局根据报税收入来决定。To qualify for the GST/HST tax credit, you must file a return for the tax year prior to the credit payout period, even if you have no income. You are no longer required to specifically apply for the benefit as CRA determines eligibility by your annual tax return.
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活好像GST改了不用单独申请,税局根据报税收入来决定。To qualify for the GST/HST tax credit, you must file a return for the tax year prior to the credit payout period, even if you have no income. You are no longer required to specifically apply for the benefit as CRA determines eligibility by your annual tax return.点击展开...老移民根据报税收入给GST退税。第一年刚来加拿大的新移民可以(需要)单独申请:
Newcomers to Canada (immigrants) - Canada.ca
Information for individuals on the income tax rules that apply to newcomers to Canada (immigrants). ·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
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