RT 影响用户交易, 不知对投诉如何摆平?
shw019 说:RT影响用户交易, 不知对投诉如何摆平?点击展开...我一直对这些没有银行背景的证卷交易商有戒心。你可能没经历过像这次股市暴跌的情况,在这种情况下像这种证卷交易商是无法承受大盘的涌进。不要贪图交易费便宜,有机会时搬到有银行背景的证卷交易商吧。这种证卷交易商,我不是吓唬你,有可能破产的,我以前在其它地方见过。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活我一直对这些没有银行背景的证卷交易商有戒心。你可能没经历过像这次股市暴跌的情况,在这种情况下像这种证卷交易商是无法承受大盘的涌进。不要贪图交易费便宜,有机会时搬到有银行背景的证卷交易商吧。这种证卷交易商,我不是吓唬你,有可能破产的,我以前在其它地方见过。点击展开...刚刚进去了。谢谢提醒。系统又完蛋了。
shw019 说:刚刚进去了。谢谢提醒。系统又完蛋了。点击展开...你进去后,系统又完蛋了?
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活你进去后,系统又完蛋了?点击展开...TD和BMO哪个好?
漫漫学 说:TD和BMO哪个好?点击展开...我用BMO 很多年了。TD 不知道。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活你进去后,系统又完蛋了?点击展开...对, 一直崩溃着
shw019 说:对, 一直崩溃着点击展开...
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活RT影响用户交易, 不知对投诉如何摆平?点击展开...说明俺上周没有胡说吧?
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。说明俺上周没有胡说吧?点击展开...你上周上不去的时候, 我操作没问题呀。
极度恐慌之中, cm 69了, 进场。
哈法 说:我用BMO 很多年了。TD 不知道。点击展开...哈法, BMO 的手续费是多少?
shw019 说:哈法, BMO 的手续费是多少?点击展开...$9.95 per tradeOrders placed online$9.95 flat fee pricing.Don’t let trading fees eat up your profits. $9.95 is the price you pay regardless of your account balance or how often you trade. Plus there are no share or market/limit order requirements.
InvestorLine Self-Directed: Fees and Pricing - BMO
Fees don't have to be complicated. Here's a breakdown, so you'll know exactly what you'll be paying and why when you sign up for Self-Directed online investingwww.bmo.com评论
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活极度恐慌之中, cm 69了, 进场。点击展开...Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce? 这个价位不错啊,几乎是52周低位,而且股息率是8.64%,年年增加派息。应该长期持有。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活$9.95 per tradeOrders placed online$9.95 flat fee pricing.Don’t let trading fees eat up your profits. $9.95 is the price you pay regardless of your account balance or how often you trade. Plus there are no share or market/limit order requirements.
InvestorLine Self-Directed: Fees and Pricing - BMO
Fees don't have to be complicated. Here's a breakdown, so you'll know exactly what you'll be paying and why when you sign up for Self-Directed online investingwww.bmo.com点击展开...自己在网上开个tfsa的股票交易账户就行吧?评论
哈法 说:Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce? 这个价位不错啊,几乎是52周低位,而且股息率是8.64%,年年增加派息。应该长期持有。点击展开...极度恐慌状态, 不敢放在手里, 今天一大早72就卖了。
shw019 说:自己在网上开个tfsa的股票交易账户就行吧?点击展开...可以。以前是账户少于5000元要收管理费,现在不知道还是不是这样。下面这个链接有管理费的资料,但没有TFSA ,你可以打电话问问:
InvestorLine Self-Directed: Fees and Pricing - BMO
Fees don't have to be complicated. Here's a breakdown, so you'll know exactly what you'll be paying and why when you sign up for Self-Directed online investingwww.bmo.com评论
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活可以。以前是账户少于5000元要收管理费,现在不知道还是不是这样。下面这个链接有管理费的资料,但没有TFSA ,你可以打电话问问:
InvestorLine Self-Directed: Fees and Pricing - BMO
Fees don't have to be complicated. Here's a breakdown, so you'll know exactly what you'll be paying and why when you sign up for Self-Directed online investingwww.bmo.com点击展开...好的, 明天打电话。谢谢晚安评论
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