加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息{ZT] Happy Mother's day~


MomBy RosemaryMom, I am your copyDo you see?The face, the eyes, the nose, the moutheven a little gapseparate my front of teeth Mom, I am your copyYou do not see?The arm, the leg, the hand, the feeteven a tiny corn with sharp painbetween a couple of toes Mom, I am your copyWhy don’t you like to see?The smile, step, swallow, sleepspeaking different wordswith the same voice When my feet were only fourYou gave me size seven When my breasts were getting biggerYou wrapped my chest in bandageYou are my Mon, aren’t you?I learned cooking from youBut the taste wasn’t what you wishedI learned sewing from youBut the style wasn’t what you dreamedYou are my Mom, aren’t you?I got my first kiss from a manYou lost sleep the whole nightYou were shamed of a condom in my hand I am not your copyYou are still my Mom, aren’t you?Mom, when I leftthe wind blowing your grey hairthe deep lines cross your foreheadthe tears hung in the corner of your eyesI don’t want to be your copy next time Mom, I can’t give you a conclusionJust like I can’t give meI am your copy I am not your copyMom, do you want to see?The Pacific Ocean is between us――You never knowJust ask me over and over―When will you be back to see me?When will you be back to see me?

我女儿今天一早起来写写画画的,给我做了张卡片,心甜 :)

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914我女儿今天一早起来写写画画的,给我做了张卡片,心甜 :)点击展开...

卉樱果 说:像妈妈点击展开...比妈妈小时候懂事多了 :D

  ·生活百科 从PI记录的选择性数据
·生活百科 将太阳能电池板连接到家庭发电站



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