BURNABY/CKNW(AM980) - Burnaby RCMP are trying to figure out who shot a 19 year old man last night-- and why.Around 3:30 this morning, the man was shot at as he sat in his car at Halifax and Sperling.He says some Asian men in their twenties pulled up in two vehicles and opened fire.He says he has no idea why he was targeted.The victim was shot in the arm, but his wounds were not life-threatening.SURREY/CKNW(AM980) - Surrey RCMP are looking for suspects in an attack on a 14 year old this morning in Hawthorne Park.The attack took place around 10am.Police say the 14 year old was attacked and robbed.It appears he suffered most of his injuries when he smashed into a wall while he ran away, breaking his nose.Officers are in the park looking for evidence.VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - At least one person has been taken to hospital following what is believe to be a stabbing and shooting this morning in Vancouver.A fight broke out in the Broadway and Clark area shortly after 5am this morning.Emergency crews remain on scene.It's unclear at this point if the person taken to hospital was stabbed or shot -- or what prompted the fight.RICHMOND/CKNW(AM980) - A fatal stabbing at a Richmond cabinet company is being investigated by the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team.Just after the lunch hour, two employees at Nickel's Custom Cabinets on Graybar Road got into an altercation.Two men in their thirties were transported to hospital.It's not know what led to the violent dispute.ABBOTSFORD/CKNW(AM980) - Abbotsford was the scene of another stabbing last night.One man has been hospitalized for non life threatening injuries. The incident happened just before 7pm in the 300 hundred block Imperial Place. Paramedics treated the victim at the scene and then took him to hospital for further treatment. Police say they have no suspects at the moment.
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