Bear evades trap at local park Lori Pappajohn, staff reporter The black bear at Burnaby Lake Regional Park continues to elude the trap set for it by the provincial Ministry of Environment. The trap was set last Monday after a woman was hospitalized with a broken leg when her horse was spooked by a bear and bucked her off. She was riding alone in an equestrian ring at the east end of Burnaby Lake. The bear trap, set near the Burnaby Horsemen's Association barns and riding rings, is baited with molasses and sardines. In the past month, the bear has been seen by several people around the equestrian centre. One evening, the bear attempted to enter a ring where two horses were being exercised. Once, it was seen walking by the barns and, another time, he was seen running down a road near the barns. Last Monday, Burnaby resident Danielle Bradner, 18, was taken to Royal Columbian Hospital Monday for surgery after suffering a broken leg from her fall, caused when the bear spooked her horse Bud. While she lay on the ground waiting for an ambulance and being watched over by two friends, Matt Armstrong and Brianna Morrison, the bear twice attempted to enter the riding ring they were in. Both times, the bear stopped when the riders yelled at him. Riders with the Burnaby Horsemen's Association are using the indoor riding ring until the bear has been removed. Normally they use one of several outdoor rings, plus the riding trails that meander through the woods near Burnaby Lake. The young black bear has been seen at Burnaby Lake Regional Park this summer and last summer.
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尼奥宠物,一个目前最流行,孩子们最爱的游戏 SOSG动漫社团 闪耀青春综合娱乐社区 赏 2006-10-27#8 T 106 $0.00 terrable...
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