加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【转贴】Through the Eyes of A Child透过婴儿的眼睛


I opened my eyes. I was looking up at the ceiling. Why I was looking there, I don't know, but I kept looking anyway, and laughing. I kicked my legs and shuck my arms, but it brought me no closer to what I was looking at. I called out "Ga, ga, gaagh, goo."   我睁开眼睛,我正仰望天花板。我不知道自己为何盯着那里,但我一直在看,在笑。我踢腿,甩手臂,但并未能因此而更靠近景物。我大喊:“嘎,嘎,嘎啊,咕。”   There was no reply.   没有回应。   I lifted my head. But it fell back down. I was lying on my back, and I was covered from foot to neck in the blanket my Dada had tucked me into. I wanted to move my arms over my covers. But I didn't know how to move them in coordinated motions. I had been practising since I arrived from my mother. But it takes a bit of getting used to.   我抬起头,又倒回去。我仰卧着,从脖子到脚被爸爸塞进毯子里。我想把双臂伸到被子外,但是不知道怎样才能协调进行。自出娘胎后,我就一直在练习,但我还是需要一些时间去适应。   I called out again "Goo - goo - mama."   我再次大喊:“咕,咕,妈妈。”   Again there was no reply. I kept kicking and shaking my arms. I shuck my head. I tried all the movements I had learned so far. But nothing seemed to move my cosy restraints. I looked up at the ceiling again. It was the same as it had been earlier on. But it was all I had to look at. There was bars on both sides of me 'which I could probably look through'. But believe me, for the effort it would take to turn my head sideways; the ceiling was a much better option. As the room got brighter, I became more and more awake, and more and more restless.   依然没有回应。我不断地蹬踢,挥舞双臂,晃动头脑。我尝试了所有已掌握的动作,仍然无法移动包裹我的温暖的束缚。我再次仰望天花板,那里跟先前一样,没有改变,可那是我能看到的一切。我的两侧有围栏,我的目光可以穿过围栏。但我知道,如果我要那样扭头看的话,准会把我的脖子弄歪的;其实还是天花板好看一点。房间越来越明亮,我就越加清醒,越加烦躁不安。   I called out again "Mama - Dada - ga ga - goo goo."   我又大喊:“妈妈,爸爸,嘎嘎,咕咕。”   Still there was no reply. I kicked and I kicked. I pushed with my arms. I was determined. I was uncomfortable from lying there for so long. All I wanted to do was change my position. Oh yeah, and get out of my wet nappy.   仍然没有回应,我不断地踢呀踢,用双臂推。我下定了决心。躺在那里太久了,我不舒服。我一门心思要改变我的位置,噢,好了,终于摆脱了湿湿的尿布。   I called louder this time "Mama - mama - mama." Then out of frustration I said "Goo - gah -ga."   这次我更大声喊道:“妈妈,妈妈,妈妈”。我感到很失败,只好嘀咕着:“咕,嘎,嘎。”   I kept trying to free myself, and finally it paid off. One of my arms was free. I could move it right up to my head. I could touch my mouth, my nose, my ears, and the bars of my sleeping place. I could touch the bars. I could touch the bars and I could grip. What if I was to grip the bars and kick and shake at the same time? I tried it and I could.   我仍然尝试挣脱束缚,最后终于奏效了。我的一只手臂可以自由活动了,我可以把手臂伸到头顶上,可以摸自己的嘴巴,鼻子,耳朵,还有身旁的围栏。我可以摸到围栏了。不仅如此,还能抓住它呢。如果我抓住栏杆,同时又踢又摇,会是怎样的呢?我试了,我可以。   I shouted a victory chant "Ga ga - goo goo."   我大声欢呼:“嘎嘎,咕咕。”   I kept kicking and shaking, and eventually my other arm was free. I had two arms to use now, and now that I had them I was going to use them well. I tried to push my cover down. But it was too much of a chore. So I hung onto the bar again with one hand. If my arms were longer I could have reached the other side as well. But they weren't, so I couldn't. I kept kicking and kicking. Then I had an idea. I kicked my legs, at the same time as pushing with my hands. It was working. My restraint was getting looser. I could move more freely. I was warm and I needed air. I stopped kicking for a bit and had another look at the ceiling. It was still the same.   我不断地踢蹬,摇晃,最后,我的另外一只手臂也自由了。我现在有两个手臂用了,我要好好运用它们。我努力把被子往下推,却无济于事。于是我手抓栏杆,挂在围栏上,如果我的手臂够长,就可以触及另外一端。但是不够长,所以我不能够。我不断地踢呀踢,我灵机一动,我用腿踢,同时用双手推,成功啦。我的束缚越来越松,我可以更自由地活动了。我很温暖,我需要空气,我停止踢蹬,看了一眼天花板,那里没有任何改变。   I called out one last time "Ga ga mama - dada."   我最后一次大喊:“嘎嘎,妈妈,爸爸。”   Still there was no reply. Just a funny noise from my dada's nose. I started kicking again. I was ****** real progress. I was starting to do some new movements. I had the sheets down to the top of my wet nappy. I had got this far. I could get further. As the sheet worked its way down to my feet I was feeling good.   仍然没有回应,只有一个滑稽的噪音从我爸爸鼻子里发出来。我又开始踢蹬了,我有了真正的进展,我开始做一些新的动作。我把被子蹬到湿尿布上。我已经大大的成功了,还可以更成功。当我把被子蹬到脚下时,我感觉棒极了。   I sang a little song "Ga ga goo goo - ga goo ga."   我哼着小曲:“嘎嘎咕咕,嘎咕嘎。”   At last my feet were free. My arms were free. Now if I could just learn how to stand up. If I could grip the bars with both hands and pull myself up, I could look at my sleeping mama and dada, instead of looking at the never changing ceiling. I managed to roll over onto my tummy. I moved my legs and my arms in different directions. I was slowly getting into the position I wanted to be in. I was ****** real progress. I was determined to stand by myself.   最后我的脚自由了,手臂也自由了。要是现在我可以学会如何站起来就好了。如果我能够双手抓住栏杆把自己拉起来,我就能看到我熟睡的爸爸妈妈,而不是老看着那一成不变的天花板。我终于能翻过身来,我朝各个方向移动着我的腿和手臂,慢慢地我挪到了想去的位置。我真的大有进步了,我决定自己站起来。   I heard a noise coming from where mama and dada were sleeping. I tried to look over. But my head was too heavy in the position I was in. I got a burst of energy and grabbed hold of the bars. I moved my legs. My head was rising up, and my body was following it. I was almost on my feet.   我听到从爸妈睡觉的地方传来了一个声音。我竭力想看看是怎么回事,但我的头太重了。我一鼓作气,抓住栏杆。我移动了我的双腿。我抬起头,身体也随之立起。我差不多可以站起来了。   I called out "Dada - mama!"   我大喊:“爸爸妈妈!”   There was no reply. I looked over at them. They were sleeping. They were sleeping, and I was standing. For the first time in my life I was standing, and they were asleep. I had to wake them. I had to let them see me.   没有回应。我朝他们看过去,他们在睡觉。他们在睡觉,而我却站着。在我的生命中,我第一次站起来了,而他们却在熟睡。我必须唤醒他们,让他们看看我。   I called out "Mama - mama - gaah."   我大喊:“妈妈,妈妈,嘎啊!”   There was no reply, and I didn't know how long I could stay like this for. I started shaking my legs. The bars shuck with me, and with them shaking there was a noise. I shuck harder. I called out. There was a movement in the bed. My mother's head had moved and her eyes had opened. I wa* **cited for her to see me standing up like this. I smiled at her. She smiled back at me.   没有回应,我不知道还能这样站多久。我开始摇晃双腿,围栏跟着摇晃,而且还发出了一些响声。我更使劲地摇晃,我大声喊叫。床上有动静了,我妈*头动了,她睁开眼睛。她能看见我如此站起来,我兴奋极了。我朝她微笑,她也向我微笑。   I said "Ga ga - goo."   我说:“嘎嘎,咕。”   Then it dawned on her. I could stand! I was doing it now! I could stand up! She sat up, smiled at me and said, "Hello sweetie. Did you stand up all by yourself?"   她渐渐明白了。我可以站起来了!我正站着!我可以站起来!她坐起来,微笑着对我说:“亲爱的,你自己站起来的吗?”   I laughed, and with pride I said "Goo gah."   我笑了,很自豪地说:“咕,嘎。”   She lay back down and said "Good boy. Now lie back down and go asleep."   她躺回去,说道:“好孩子,躺回去,睡觉吧。”   I smiled back and said "Goo goo goo." and I won't tell you what that means!   我微笑着对她说:“咕,咕,咕。”我不会告诉你这是什么意思的。

绿蚁新醅酒,红泥小火炉。晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无。 2006-10-31#2 大大的冬瓜 476 $0.00 顺便学学英语吧,虽然是个婴儿说的。

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