加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息MET TWO STRANGE THING


Last saturday I went to IKEA ,at BRAID STATION man of over forty ask me for money to take bus,He doesn't like beggar.On return way at the cross a young man ask me for smoking.TMD I had never met thing like this.




[SIGPIC]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/signaturepics/sigpic42321_7.gif[/SIGPIC]www.acu-health.ca 针灸按摩如果这个世界上每个人都‘说好话、做好事、存好心”那么世界将是多美好?俺不是刘三好,俺是石榴姐!赞反馈:annwangxh 2007-01-08#5 V 33 $0.00 中英混杂

vicwang 说:Last saturday I went to IKEA ,at BRAID STATION man of over forty ask me for money to take bus,He doesn't like beggar.On return way at the cross a young man ask me for smoking.TMD I had never met thing like this.点击展开... Two Strange Encounters Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for money so that he could take the bus. He didn't look like a beggar. On my way back on the crossroad a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it, I had never run into things like this.

baohuai 说:Two Strange Encounters Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for money so that he could take the bus. He didn't look like a beggar. On my way back on the crossroad a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it, I had never run into things like this.点击展开... ,楼上的英文正啊.

baohuai 说:Two Strange Encounters Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for money so that he could take the bus. He didn't look like a beggar. On my way back on the crossroad a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it, I had never run into things like this.点击展开...学习学习。

Last saturday I went to IKEA ,at BRAID STATION man of over forty ask me for money to take bus,He doesn't like beggar.On return way at the cross a young man ask me for smoking.TMD I had never met thing like this.点击展开...好听的:LZ看上去面善;伤心的:LZ看上去好骗.

I met somebody ask cigarette when I smoking, and many of them want to pay the money for it. So maybe thry don't want to buy a whole package cigarette.

Two Strange Encounters Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for money so that he could take the bus. He didn't look like a beggar. On my way back on the crossroad a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it, I had never run into things like this.点击展开...嗯, baohuai这个run into 用得地道。

carl_sun 说:I met somebody ask cigarette when I smoking, and many of them want to pay the money for it. So maybe thry don't want to buy a whole package cigarette.点击展开...考虑明天拿包烟去公车站一根跟散卖,多少钱一根够家园聚会的经费呢?

太正常了这种事在downtown或skytrain沿线经常能碰到。最酷的是,我碰到过最有名气的两个老外,一个告诉我他叫雷锋,另一个叫毛主席。当时 呀!

不计其数的孩子走在学琴的道路上,千姿百态,蔚为壮观;然而,相当多的孩子还没有听到掌声却已经落幕…… I met somebody ask cigarette when I smoking, and many of them want to pay the money for it. So maybe thry don't want to buy a whole package cigarette.点击展开... I've met somebody asking for a cigarette when I am smoking, and many of them would pay for it. So maybe they just don't want to buy a whole pack of cigarettes.

lovepeace4 说:这种事在downtown或skytrain沿线经常能碰到。最酷的是,我碰到过最有名气的两个老外,一个告诉我他叫雷锋,另一个叫毛主席。当时 呀!点击展开...哈哈!

baohuai 说:I've met somebody asking for a cigarette when I am smoking, and many of them would pay for it. So maybe they just don't want to buy a whole pack of cigarettes.点击展开...收藏学习,加分分。现在还给人家认真改作文的可不多了。

TMD我知道在中文里面是某句话的缩写~TMD在英语里面是什么意思?~~~~~~点击展开...权威解释:TMD在英语里的意思是:TACTICAL MISSILE DEFENSE。 大家别想歪了。



Two Strange Encounters Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for money so that he could take the bus. He didn't look like a beggar. On my way back on the crossroad a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it, I had never run into things like this.点击展开...Last Saturday I went to IKEA. At the Braid Station a man in his 40s asked me for a bus fare. His appearance was not like a typical beggar. On my way home at an intersection, a young man asked me for a cigarette. Damn it! I had never encountered situations such as these before.

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