我听从Chritina Guo的指点,将GST Refund Application Form寄出了,一般需要多少天才能收到支票? 我在BC的官方网站上看到,2007年的第一次退税是在1月13日,大约是这天。但不知道加拿大政府真正给每个申请的人发支票的时间。 Christina,你上次从寄出APP FORM 到收到支票花了多长时间呢?其他人知道吗?谢谢。
天行健,君子当自强不息。 赏 2007-01-15#2

5,121 $0.00 不会这么快了,你要知道这边人的效率很低下了。评论
赏 我听从Chritina Guo的指点,将GST Refund Application Form寄出了,一般需要多少天才能收到支票? 我在BC的官方网站上看到,2007年的第一次退税是在1月13日,大约是这天。但不知道加拿大政府真正给每个申请的人发支票的时间。 Christina,你上次从寄出APP FORM 到收到支票花了多长时间呢?其他人知道吗?谢谢。点击展开...是一来就报么?我都来了半年了,我朋友都说要到报税时再申请.希望我没有错过什么.
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548 赏 2007-01-15#4

3,787 $0.00 没多少钱,比牛奶金少多了评论
赏 2007-01-16#6

海的那一边是我的家吗?! 是必须报过当年的税后才能申请退税吗?点击展开...不需要报过税,落地就可以申请。
赏 2007-01-16#8

wec080 说:I don't understand. Why would anyone apply for GST refund. Are you a visitor to Canada?"...What is the GST? Most goods and services you buy in Canada are subject to the Good and Services Tax, or GST. GST, valued at 6%, is charged throughout the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and PEI. As a non-resident visitor to Canada, you can claim a refund for GST you paid on eligible goods and accommodation. Do I qualify for the GST refund? You qualify for a GST tax refund if:you are not a resident of Canadayou have original receiptsyour purchase amounts (before taxes) of eligible accommodation and goods on which you paid GST total at least CAN$200each individual receipt for your goods shows a minimum purchase amount (before taxes) on which you paid GST of $50 CAN.What is eligible for the GST refund? You can claim a refund for GST paid on: Eligible AccommodationYou paid tax on accommodation provided continuously for less than one month (the limit of less than one month applies to each lodging establishment).Each receipt shows the number of nights of accommodation made available for each lodging establishment.You can only apply for tax you paid on the room charge (room service and telephone charges do not apply).Eligible GoodsGoods qualify for a refund if you: paid tax on the goods, bought the goods to use outside Canada, and remove the goods from Canada within 60 days of delivery to you...."点击展开...That is not GST refund, that is GST credit.please referrence my attachment.
赏 2007-01-16#10

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