加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息COPE 特别邀请您与社区同庆中国新年


Xin Nian Kuai Le新年快乐 Gung Hai Fat Choy恭喜发财 进步选民联盟 Coalition Of Progressive Electors (COPE) 全体成员,包括现任市议员卡德曼 (David Cadman); 现任学务委员黄伟伦 (Allan Wong)、布莱基 (Allen Blakey)、高艾森 (Sharon Gregson); 及现任公园局委员吴忒珂 (Loretta Woodcock)、何儿贝 (Spencer Herbert ) 齐恭祝您新年快乐,身体健康,万事如意。并特别邀请您与我们共同庆祝中国新年。请看以下详情: 为庆祝中国新年, COPE 于2月17 日星期六, 在 Fraserview Hall 特设晚餐与社区同庆中国新年的来到, 并邀请特别嘉宾 BC 省教师联会总裁Jinny Sims 演讲关于"公众教育和公共服务的价值" 。 日期时间:2月17 日星期六,下午6 点 - 招待会(前菜、拍卖和酒吧); 7 点 - 晚餐地点:Fraserview Hall, 8240 Chester Street - 在 Fraser 街东边一条街票价:$50 进步选民联盟 Coalition Of Progressive Electors (COPE) 是由个人、团体所组成的非牟利民间独立联盟组织, 致力为温哥华居民创造一个适于所有人民居住的美好城市。请参观网址www.cope.bc.ca。 Meena Wong王璐Multicultural Community and Media LiaisonEmail: [email protected]_________________________________________________________ COPE executive board members, staff, and the elected officials City Councillor David Cadman, School Board Trustees Allan Wong, Allen Blakey, Sharon Gregson, and Park Board Commissioners Loretta Woodcock and Spencer Herbert invite you to celebrate the Chinese New Year with us. Please see details below:Celebrating Chinese New Year atCOPE Dinner with Jinny SimsSaturday, February 17at the fabulous Fraserview Hall (8240 Chester Street ━ 1blk east of Fraser)You are invited to a special COPE fundraising dinner with BCTF President Jinny Sims to celebrate the year of 4705 in the Chinese calendar​Jinny will be speaking on "The Value of Public Education and Public Service". The fundraiser will be held at Fraserview Hall where we will be served a delicious Indian feast. The evening will also feature a silent auction with wonderful items and arts, and plenty of discussion about working for a truly progressive and sustainable Vancouver. 6pm ━ Reception with appetizers, auction and bar; 7pm ━ Dinner; Tickets: $50 The Coalition of Progressive Electors, COPE, is a democratic, community-based coalition of individuals and organizations committed to making Vancouver a livable city for all its citizens. Visit www.cope.bc.ca for ongoing campaigns and for more upcoming events. Best regards, Meena Wong王璐Multicultural Community and Media LiaisonEmail: [email protected]

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