加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教英文
Mouth is slightly open, at full width. at full width 是啥意思? 上下文: Mouth is slightly open, at full width. Used for phonemes such as "g" as in "gag," "l" as in "lull," "ear" as in "hear." Mouth is partially open, at full width. Used for phonemes such as "n" as in "nun," "d" as in "dad," "t" as in "tot." Mouth is open, at full width. Used for phonemes such as "u" as in "hut," "ea" as in "head," "ur" as in "hurt."
回复: 请教英文教你怎么发音的吧。 嘴巴稍微张一点点,然后要尽量拉宽点。我做过这个动作了,有点似笑非笑的样子。 点击展开...不知道该咋翻译。
回复: 请教英文好像是在学音标?就是那个意思。
Don't worry about anything,but pray about everything .With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.(Philippians 4:7)你是要翻译给别人看吗?? 如果是翻译给别人看,那就把意思翻对了就可以了,他们爱怎么理解就怎么理解了。点击展开...是别人翻译了让俺给纠正,at full width 啥的那人根本没翻,只翻了前半句。
回复: 请教英文教你怎么发音的吧。 嘴巴稍微张一点点,然后要尽量拉宽点。我做过这个动作了,有点似笑非笑的样子。 点击展开...笑了
回复: 请教英文同意跟跟的解释以及后续说明
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