加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国公司把污染带到加拿大


Canada's food inspectors have issued border lookouts for vegetable proteins coming from China to prevent melamine ― a chemical used to make plastics ― from contaminating the human food chain, CBC News has learned.Inspectors will seize wheat gluten, soy proteins, corn glutens and rice proteins from China ― ingredients already found to contain melamine and other contaminants in hundreds of pet-food products. The proteins are destined for human food.Melamine, also used to make fertilizer, was blamed for the deaths of a number of cats and dogs in North America and making hundreds of pets ill."That's why we have the border lookout for the ingredient, so that we can proactively assess any potential that the product is contaminated," said Paul Mayers of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency."We will subject the shipments to testing and the shipment will be held until the results of the test clear it in terms of the absence of the contaminant."Vegetable proteins are impossible to avoid. They're found in everything from baby formula to pizza dough and wieners. Canadian manufacturers do not have to declare what country the ingredients come from.Continue Article // '); // ]]> dcmaxversion = 9dcminversion = 6DoOn Error Resume Nextplugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & "")))If plugin = true Then Exit Dodcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversionThe government doesn't know if ingredients contaminated with melamine have made it into human food before.It says that last July, the same Chinese company that supplied melamine-contaminated wheat gluten for pet food also shipped wheat gluten to a British Columbia feed mill, which turned it into food for fish farms that has since been consumed by people.But the CFIA said it believes the risk to people is low, even if the fish had been contaminated.Food scientist Mansel Griffiths, with the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety, said more inspections in the country won't solve the problem.He said Canada needs to start the process back in China "and work with the Chinese government, work with the manufacturing industry in China to try to bring them up to the standards that we expect of Canadian companies."It's unknown why melamine was ever in vegetable proteins, though American officials have speculated it was added deliberately. The presence of melamine makes it appear that the ingredient contains more protein than it actually does.

人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大不知道又有多少人关心欧美国家送了多少垃圾给中国呢?

http://bbs.myboyan.com/index.php?x=724327回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大不知道又有多少人关心人类送了多少垃圾给地球呢?

回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大不知道又有多少人关心地球还能容纳多少人类送来垃圾呢?

活的太累,是因为能左右你心情的东西太多回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大不知道有多少人想过,人类可能是地球最不需要的垃圾呢

无忧.猪行天下加西美景相册http://zyzzxssh.blog.163.com/album/#m=0&p=1回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大YOU CYNICISM GUYS!

人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大不知道又有多少人关心人类的宇宙飞船送了多少垃圾到太空呢?

回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大反正这里讲加拿大不好就会被拍 讲中国不好也会被拍 所以呢建议说时两国都讲哈哈

回复: 中国公司把污染带到加拿大路过!

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