加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国移民静坐示威收集签名 促加方遣返高山


5月6日下午三点,几十名中国移民冒雨在加拿大移民暨难民局温哥华市中心办公楼前举行静坐示威和收集签名活动,进一步表达尽早遣返高山的诉求。签名活动开展不到一小时,已有四十多个支持者前来签名。今天下午,几十名中国移民冒雨在加拿大移民暨难民局温哥华市中心办公楼前举行静坐示威和收集签名活动,进一步表达尽早遣返高山的诉求。   “截至目前,我们已通过各种方式收集了上千个签名。下午活动开展不到一小时,也有四十多个支持者前来签名。”活动发起人杨震霆在现场向记者表示,这些签名来自温哥华、卡尔加里等全加各地,有华人亦有非华裔人士。签名者共同的诉求是“加拿大不应该成为罪犯的天堂”。   4月11日,部分中国移民首次自发组织了针对高山案的游行,活动引起温哥华华人社区的强烈反响,今天的静坐签名活动即是上次游行的继续。记者在现场看到,前来签名的不少是全家人,来自大陆的一对新移民夫妇不仅参与现场义卖,还当场捐款,希望组织者多制作些标语牌。   杨震霆表示,近期内将把签名活动的内容整理成书信,分?上交给加拿大各级政府、司法机构及议员,表达华人社区要求尽快遣返高山、赖昌星等人的诉求。 中国银行哈尔滨河松街支行主任高山涉嫌在中国诈骗巨额公款,2004年底潜逃并一直隐藏于温哥华。今年2月,加拿大移民当局指其在申请移民时提供虚假资料,要求取消其一家的移民资格。3月6日,加拿大移民暨难民局在温哥华举行首次聆讯,以决定是否取消高山一家的移民资格,而高山代表律师反指加拿大移民部等政府机构“滥用司法程序”,要求取消对高山一家移民资格的聆讯。此案第五次公开聆讯将于5月9日举行。

2006年1月23号FN------BJ (B047 1XX XXX)2007年4月26号变8 2008年3月6号变132008年3月12号变172008年3月31号---看到拒签信回复: 中国移民静坐示威收集签名 促加方遣返高山好呀,去

回复: 中国移民静坐示威收集签名 促加方遣返高山阿姐,是昨天的周日下午3点。建议下次活动的帖子早点出来,这样的话参加的人更多。这个活动是在加西网上的。

回复: 中国移民静坐示威收集签名 促加方遣返高山恩,消息太延迟了

奕奕爸+娜娜爸 2007-05-08#5 Z
另一网上的牛人转帖:加国华人们: 为了维护加国的人权道德观,为遣返避难贪官,恳请各位将下列内容信修改(名字地址等)后发给你所在区的国会议员. 此举善莫大焉!(莫以善小而不为之) 所在区的国会议员可以在下列网页找到: http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E 在中间靠上一点有一个"Find your M.P. using your postal code. "查找框,打入你的ZIP CODE就可查找你所在区的议员. Please enter your name/address and send email/mail to parliament member of your district. ========letter template begin============xxx1111 xxx Drivexxx,ON M4V [email protected] Party of CanadaMember of Parliament Dear xxx, As a Canadian citizen and your constituent, I am writing to you to express my deep concern over the issue of foreign criminals who have fled to our country and stayed, without being investigated and deported. I believe that the Canadian government and law reinforcement have ethical and legal obligations to look into and resolve this issue. One of the criminals I would like to draw your attention to is Gao Shan, a former director of a branch of Bank of China in Harbin, China. He, and two others, were arrested in February and accused in connection with an alleged $100 million-plus embezzlement at the Bank. They arrived in Canada in 2004, days before Chinese authorities began to investigate the massive fraud. Following their arrests, all applied for refugee status. Although this was not granted, each will have many more opportunities to prolong his stay. This is just one of many cases where publicly-known suspected corrupt officials fled from China (after stealing a lot of wealth from Chinese people) and managed to have a prolonged stay in Canada, evading the punishment of law in China. I heard from many local Chinese Canadians, as well as many of the Chinese in China, asking questions like: If Canada is a country with the upright principles of human rights, then why does Canada disrespect the human rights of Chinese common people? Corrupt officials steal money from the common Chinese people. To protect the interests of Chinese people there, those corrupt officials should be punished for their crimes. It is the human right of Chinese people - the right of fighting corruption. This is clearly an issue of protecting human rights of all common Chinese people in China. Canada, the country I love, has upright principle of human rights. I am concerned that any delay in resolving this type of problem will make Canada a safe haven for those foreign corrupt officials. Therefore, I urge the government through you, to stand up on our human right principles, reinforce our laws, and work with other countries to win the worldwide war against corruptions. Would you please present my opinion to parliament body, so my concern and opinion be heard by parliament? Thank you very much for your attention to this matter! Yours truly, XXXXPh:(111)111-1111 [email protected]========letter template end============

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