加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息An opportunity to earn $25 every week!
Spanish Banks League Set up Help I am still looking for someone to assist your League Coordinator Sarah in setting up the nets before league each week. We would typically need you from 4-6pm and you would be paid $25 each time you worked. I am looking for someone who will be able to attend most of the dates and is willing to get some exercise working outdoors before playing volleyball. If you or someone on your team would like to make some extra money please ask them to send me an email or give me a call at work. League starts this Tuesday so I would love to find someone asap. Good luck to all teams! Jenny GrahamAdult Programmer604.291.2007 x 25fax: [email protected]
回复: An opportunity to earn $25 every week!不错啊。有的玩晒太阳,还有钱。
回复: An opportunity to earn $25 every week!嘿嘿,家园喜欢排球的朋友应该也注册一支队伍参加比赛
回复: An opportunity to earn $25 every week!真的不错啊,顶一个!
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