加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?


说来惭愧,本人虽然大本毕业 可是在学校的时候因为太过贪玩,不及格的功课累计学分超过了规定,所以没有学位证书 去了加拿大以后,似乎没有学位证书,就没有办法读master了 那么还有别的读书的途径吗?如果还要花4年时间拿学士学位,是不可能的,因为我今年已经30岁了 加拿大有什么可以让我尽快拿上一个在北美有用的文凭的方法吗? 请大家出谋划策,指点12

选个和你过去的专业相似的专业读, 尽量多转学分, 2年左右拿本科. 要么就是在COLLEGE里学个DIPLOMA, 尽管不是本科, 但是更偏重于实际应用, 有时反倒更好找工. :)





菩提本无树 明镜亦非台 本是无一物 何处染尘埃 2006-04-11#7 jenny02 1,003 $0.00 我也想知道阿

←个人の天空 说:college~还有BCIT点击展开...可以所有的条件是什么样的,上次好像又说英语不好先不要考虑上college,是这样吗?

回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?。大家好

回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?看看大街上有没卖的。

大家好,我随孩子爸爸想移民加拿大,我在国内会计师,大专文凭,怎么才能学习加拿大注册会计师,我有可能吗,需要什么条件?点击展开...Most of the professional accounting degrees require a university degree first. However, you are allowed to enrol into their program before obtaining one, provided you can get a university degree before completing their programs.CA requires certified auditing experience. CGA and CMA can accept either auditing experience or ordinary accounting working experience. From time to time, they hold introduction sessions. You may like to attend one or two of them. Check the phone book and call some of them close to your home and find out where and when they have introduction sessions.When you apply for their program, they would review your education qualification and working experience and advise you which course(s) could be exempted, which courses you have to take, and within how many years you are required to complete the program. You can also check with them which university degree they would accept. It could be too hard for you to attend a regular university and spend four years there. You can choose those degrees offer by colleges but still accepted by the professional organization you have chosen. Some of the degree course is conducted by distant learning with one or two short campus courses. Some universities or colleges may recognize part of your past study, or accept a transfer of the course you are going to study elsewhere; especially your degree course is related to accounting. Some universities or college would accept your study in professional accountancy in place of TOFEL. I don`t think it is too difficult for your to study their courses. However, it may be a little bit difficult for a person with Asian culture to accept their theories, especially you are already a professional in China.Don`t try to BUY a degree and then find it not recognized.

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.Most of the professional accounting degrees require a university degree first. However, you are allowed to enrol into their program before obtaining one, provided you can get a university degree before completing their programs.CA requires certified auditing experience. CGA and CMA can accept either auditing experience or ordinary accounting working experience. From time to time, they hold introduction sessions. You may like to attend one or two of them. Check the phone book and call some of them close to your home and find out where and when they have introduction sessions.When you apply for their program, they would review your education qualification and working experience and advise you which course(s) could be exempted, which courses you have to take, and within how many years you are required to complete the program. You can also check with them which university degree they would accept. It could be too hard for you to attend a regular university and spend four years there. You can choose those degrees offer by colleges but still accepted by the professional organization you have chosen. Some of the degree course is conducted by distant learning with one or two short campus courses. Some universities or colleges may recognize part of your past study, or accept a transfer of the course you are going to study elsewhere; especially your degree course is related to accounting. Some universities or college would accept your study in professional accountancy in place of TOFEL. I don`t think it is too difficult for your to study their courses. However, it may be a little bit difficult for a person with Asian culture to accept their theories, especially you are already a professional in China.Don`t try to BUY a degree and then find it not recognized.点击展开...I appreciate your kindness and professional detailed answers,though please allow me developing a question:what if a person got CGA in china without a canadian diploma or degree ,when he move to Canada,do you think it important for he to get these things?

人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?Hi, Wolfyzj,If you got a CGA in China without a university degree, they would not take back your designation. What you need is to apply a transfer from your Chinese chapter to a Canadian chapter. Depending on what kind of degree you are talking about, a university degree may not be important to your accounting job. However, you may need more knowledge about the Canadian business practices. Getting a Canadian degree is just one of many ways to learn the Canadian customs. And also it is one of the ways to build up your social networking. Even if you have already some friends and relatives in Canada, and even if you can find a job, it is still worth to think about upgrading yourselves. In Canada, you will find you have a lot of spare time. Studying a degree is not difficult. Furthermore, it may help you in job promotion, or in starting your own public practicing.I do not know your situation. And I am not saying a degree is important or not. But if I were you, I would think further about a MBA too.

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?do you think the questioner can understand what you wrote in english?maybe using chinese is more helpful for him or her

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?读高中

本人亲自找女朋友,欢迎联系回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?32了读大学晚不晚啊!

回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?I appreciate your kindness and professional detailed answers,though please allow me developing a question:what if a person got CGA in china without a canadian diploma or degree ,when he move to Canada,do you think it important for he to get these things?点击展开...这位仁兄看来还需要努力再学习一下英语。你这语法写论文肯定被毙的。

问君能有几多愁?恰似满仓中石油!回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?Yutong_wu,一般加拿大人不大计较年龄。但如果把读书视为投资,年纪大的,毕业后赚取回报的日子不多,那么,读什么科目,回报的金额和可能性,成本若何?则须小心计算。加拿大有人九十岁才大学毕业的,Bill Gates 也是最近才毕业。三十二岁不算老。较严的大学也只不过要求学生能在六十岁前拿个硕士学位。学历只是一条门匙,开门后,读书和赚钱是两回事。加拿大正处於三十三年来失业率最低的时候,就业的忧虑应可放松一下吧!

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 没有学位的我在加拿大能读什么书?补充:SFU 的 EMBA 要求在五十岁前完成。

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.这位仁兄看来还需要努力再学习一下英语。你这语法写论文肯定被毙的。点击展开...thank u for ur comments,I do wish i can accomplish a thesis just like your courtesy,but I am in a forum now.

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