加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息郁闷,关于美国签证


还是美国签证的事.前天在朋友的指导下,在预约面签那留了个护照号,得到一个REFERENCE NUBER.因为没有准备好女儿的护照,而有护照号和这个NUMBER是可以随时去登陆预约的.于是,昨晚把所有资料准备好,准备去看能预约到什么时候.前天特意把这个NUMBER抄到笔记本上了,怕本人粗心抄错,还特意直接从网站页面上COPY了护照号和NUMBER存为一个WORD文档.没想到昨晚登陆,死活说俺的护照号和NUMBER 不 MATCH.今早登陆还是这样.全文如下: Important:If this is your first visit to the site, the system will generate a new reference number for you. If you have already created a profile, use the Reference Number that was provided when you originally created your profile. If you cannot remember your reference number, DO NOT create a new profile as all of your current information will be lost. Call our Visa Information Center to get your reference number. The following information is required to open or access an applicant's file. Please enter the passport number of the principal applicant (include both letters and numbers):Passport Number:********* Please enter the reference number of the principal applicant. If the applicant does not have a reference number, please leave the field blank and the system will automatically generate and issue a reference number. Reference Number :********* The passport number and the reference number that you are entering do not match. Please check the information and re-enter. If you continue to experience problems accessing your profile please contact one of our Client Service Representatives at:1-900-451-2778 (if calling from Canada)($1.89CA Per Minute)1-900-443-3131 (if calling from the U.S.)($1.89US Per Minute)1-800-840-0032 (to charge the call to your credit card)($1.59CA Per Minute) 这意思是不要俺重新申请一个NUMBER,而必须去打那个900电话($1.89/min).刚才打去,只有盲音,估计是周末不工作?但是在它的FAQ里没讲周末不工作啊,讲东部时间7:00-21:00打电话过去.打那付款800电话,倒是告诉俺周末不工作.wdb24: 如果俺去重新申请会怎样?或者我换个人做主申请,我作为副申请?上面那红色带下划线的话,是讲俺现在的信息会全部丢失.而现在俺递交的全部信息就是一个护照号,得到一个不MATCH的NUMBER号.... 有人有过这样的经历嘛?郁闷郁闷,

简单生活,简单快乐.赞反馈:cgdOO7 2007-11-25#2 dhl6656 376 $0.00 回复: 郁闷,关于美国签证是不是你在输入法是中文的情况下输入的号码数字呀? 如果这样的话 系统是认不出的。一定要切换到英文输入法再输入数字。 如果不是这样,就在工作时间打电话给他们吧。

回复: 郁闷,关于美国签证不知道什么原因,试了无数次,还请朋友试,反正是不行...昨天得到指点,解决办法是:用家里另一个人的护照另外去预约时间....就是俺想到的法子,让LG作主申请,我作为随同签证的.

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