Stop using the RCMP as Taser scapegoat Richmond News Published: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 The Editor, I'm not associated with anything in the law enforcement field, but the general public should be aware of certain things. The media attention to the tragic Taser incident at YVR is somewhat skewed. If you go to www.Liveleak.com and look at the recording in its entirety, it tells a much different story than what is being broadcast on the news. In fact, the person who filmed the incident comments on Mr. Dziekanski's continuing struggles and rage, despite the police presence. From my understanding, when an individual does not want to be restrained or handcuffed, it is nearly impossible to do so without a lot of effort. From what we know, Mr. Dziekanski is from Poland, a country that has law enforcement present as well. If I am in a foreign country and I don't understand what is going on, but I see uniformed officers pointing things at me, I think I would stop immediately to clear up any misunderstanding. The Taser is seen as a non-lethal method of restraining individuals who are resisting arrest, and it does not appear that the Tasers were immediately effective. There are always two sides to every story. Please stop using the RCMP as our scapegoat in their efforts to protect us. The story would have been much different if someone else had been hurt, and people would be questioning why the RCMP hadn't attempted to stop the individual. Jeanette Chan Richmond
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法谁帮忙给翻译了!
不计其数的孩子走在学琴的道路上,千姿百态,蔚为壮观;然而,相当多的孩子还没有听到掌声却已经落幕…… 回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法这个陈先生的意思是RCMP还不够坏,因为被害人临死前还敢垂死挣扎,RCMP要对公民特别是中国人、新移民狠一点,这样才不会有闹事,又说这点电击同中国历史上的凌迟处死相比不算什么。。。。
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法关注ing, 看看大家的意思,说实在的他的话也没错。事情都有两面性,现在大家的观点带着复杂的感情是一面倒的。很多病人在医院里莫名其妙的“猝死”也令医生成了scapegoat。
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法关注ing, 看看大家的意思,说实在的他的话也没错。事情都有两面性,现在大家的观点带着复杂的感情是一面倒的。很多病人在医院里莫名其妙的“猝死”也令医生成了scapegoat。点击展开...
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法难怪中国有这么多造假的事不停地发生!不会英文去查字典,不要在此给族人丢脸!点击展开...你先去查汉语词典,连中文都看不懂还有脸出来现?不要给你日本祖先丢脸!
人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法上面的人说话是不符合事实的。 波兰人在警察开了第一枪之后,就倒在了地上,根本就没有了挣扎的能力,录象很明显地可以看出,那波兰人倒在了地上,马上可以制服或用手铐拷上,根本就用不着再对着他开第2枪的。 发言人明显偏护警方。 滥用权利就应该制裁,并不能用“替罪羊”可以推辞地。
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法上面的人说话是不符合事实的。 波兰人在警察开了第一枪之后,就倒在了地上,根本就没有了挣扎的能力,录象很明显地可以看出,那波兰人倒在了地上,马上可以制服或用手铐拷上,根本就用不着再对着他开第2枪的。 发言人明显偏护警方。 滥用权利就应该制裁,并不能用“替罪羊”可以推辞地。点击展开...第2枪的确有滥用嫌疑,不过既然已经开始调查了,就等结果出来再下结论吧
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法第2枪的确有滥用嫌疑,不过既然已经开始调查了,就等结果出来再下结论吧点击展开... 第一枪完全能理解。可是第2枪太过分了。 虽然媒体一直说那种枪不会致命的。但是如果一个人过于脆弱的话,吓也会被吓死的。
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法到哪都有警察滥用职权的
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法你先去查汉语词典,连中文都看不懂还有脸出来现?不要给你日本祖先丢脸!点击展开...你说我该查那个汉字?日本是谁的祖先?为什么我不会汉字,会给你日本祖先丢脸?wolf (狼)该说狼话,怎样也不象是说人话!
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法该调查的去调查, 该担责任的担责任, 让死者安息吧, 阿门.
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。你先去查汉语词典,连中文都看不懂还有脸出来现?不要给你日本祖先丢脸!点击展开...高某人主打英语,对汉语的理解与运用均有限,辩而无益,也为他祈祷吧!
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法Stop using the RCMP as Taser scapegoat Richmond NewsPublished: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 The Editor, I'm not associated with anything in the law enforcement field, but the general public should be aware of certain things. The media attention to the tragic Taser incident at YVR is somewhat skewed. If you go to www.Liveleak.com and look at the recording in its entirety, it tells a much different story than what is being broadcast on the news. In fact, the person who filmed the incident comments on Mr. Dziekanski's continuing struggles and rage, despite the police presence. From my understanding, when an individual does not want to be restrained or handcuffed, it is nearly impossible to do so without a lot of effort. From what we know, Mr. Dziekanski is from Poland, a country that has law enforcement present as well. If I am in a foreign country and I don't understand what is going on, but I see uniformed officers pointing things at me, I think I would stop immediately to clear up any misunderstanding. The Taser is seen as a non-lethal method of restraining individuals who are resisting arrest, and it does not appear that the Tasers were immediately effective. There are always two sides to every story. Please stop using the RCMP as our scapegoat in their efforts to protect us. The story would have been much different if someone else had been hurt, and people would be questioning why the RCMP hadn't attempted to stop the individual. Jeanette Chan Richmond点击展开...闲着也闲着,我试着翻译一下,抛砖引玉啊。 编辑同志: 本人的职业呢与任何执法部门毫无关系(这句话好象有点画蛇填足的味道了,你的职业与评论和观点按我的理解应该没关系),但是公众应该对以下事实引起关注.媒体对于发生在温哥华机场的电击枪悲剧的注意有些偏离事件的本质.如果您有时间登陆到www.liveleak.com并且观看全部的关于本事件的录象,您就会知道事件本身与您在各家媒体上了解的情况是完全不同的.事实是,具偶然拍摄到此段录象的人评论,尽管当警察在场时,受害人仍然在愤怒中不断地挣扎,反抗. 具我理解,如果一个人不愿意被铐住及拘禁,如果不采取一些手段恐怕是难以达到目的的.我们大家都知道,受害人来自波兰,即使波兰现在也是法制国家啊.(警察要想铐你,你也要服从).如果我在国外,有不知道到底发生了什么,我想还是什么都不做而先澄清误解为好.电击被做为非致命武器用于制服拒捕者,而且过去电击也未必立杆见影. 事情总有两面性.请不要让加拿大皇家骑警成为替罪羊,当他们努力工作致力于保护我们免受伤害时.如果在这个事件中,有人受到伤害了,是否有人会质疑我们的骑警不作为呢?!!!! 作者:陈某某 写于理查蒙得
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法 我认为,这也只能看做是陈某人对事件的看法,实在不能代表华裔加人吧?
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法不过,文章的作者一定是华人,总觉得读起来不是很对劲,但又说不出,哎,我可怜的英语,怎么才能进步些?
回复: 华裔加人对电击死人事件的看法我问了一个东欧移加多年的移民, 他说:he is stupid. fight with police? forget it.我又问是不是加拿大人反应很强烈, 他说: 只是波兰人.然后跟我说:remember, don't argue with police.
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。我问了一个东欧移加多年的移民, 他说:he is stupid. fight with police? forget it.我又问是不是加拿大人反应很强烈, 他说: 只是波兰人.然后跟我说:remember, don't argue with police.点击展开...鲁迅笔下人物再现!!
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