加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问MINI SCHOOL是什么?
MINI SCHOOL是不是就是私校?MINI SCHOOL的学生也考普通的大学吗,如UBC?
回复: 请问MINI SCHOOL是什么?来自温哥华教育局:1. What are the Mini School Programs? The Vancouver School District Mini School programs provide opportunities for enrichment for students who consistently achieve B averages or higher, who are highly motivated students and who would benefit from a learning environment with highly motivated peers. Students with emotional, psychological or social challenges may find the mini school program too demanding. Each Mini school program has a different focus or style. For that reason it is important for parents and students to attend as many Information Nights as possible and to learn as much as possible about each program to select the program that best suits the needs of their student. Every Vancouver Secondary school offers exciting, challenging and varied programs that meet the needs of all students. If your student is not accepted into a Mini School in Grade 8 there are many other programs at each school that can meet your child’s needs. Some Mini School programs accept students into Grade 9 or 10. Other Mini Schools begin their intake in Grade 10 and there are also International Baccalaureate programs and AP courses at the Grade 11 and 12 levels.
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