加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美
只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?
回复: 求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?sure you can.with citizenship card and driver license, you can drive into US.
回复: 求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?有美签和枫叶卡就能去
回复: 求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?能去拉。
团聚类移民2007-07-30递交资料2007-11-03收到VISA2007-12-14登陆温哥华回复: 求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?听说一月底前可以, 以后要护照的.
回复: 求助 :只有加拿大公民卡 没有护照 能开车去美国吗?听说一月底前可以, 以后要护照的.点击展开... Attention Canadian citizens travelling to the United States by land or waterAs of January 31, 2008, if you travel to the U.S. by land or water, a U.S. law will require you to present: a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's licence, PLUS a birth certificate or citizenship card;ORA valid passport; ORA NEXUS or a Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card;ORAn enhanced driver's licence;ORAn Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) card;ORFor those 18 and under, a birth certificate.Canadian citizens flying to or through the United States must present a valid Canadian passport. A NEXUS card when used at a kiosk at participating airports is also acceptable.
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