加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?



平平淡淡即是―――生活 2007年11月FN, 10月底面试。预祝顺利通过,祝大家中秋快乐回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?自已顶一下

平平淡淡即是―――生活 2007年11月FN, 10月底面试。预祝顺利通过,祝大家中秋快乐请问各位大虾,温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?一个孩子多少?二个孩子多少?三个孩子是多少?有其它什么福利吗?感谢!点击展开...CTB根据你去年的报税来的,如果你是2007年新移民,你需要报07年的税先,然后他们根据你的收入来给.CRA的网站上有!

岁月静好!回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/benefits/cctb/faq_payments-e.html#q99. How are the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement calculated?You can use our new online service to get an estimate of your benefits.Your CCTB payments for the 12 - month period of July 2007 to June 2008 are calculated using the following information:The number of children you have; Your province or territory of residence; Your 2006 family net income and; Your child's eligibility for the Child Disability Benefit. Basic benefit:The basic benefit is $1,283 ($106.91 a month) for each child under age 18 (the basic benefit is different for residents of Alberta, see the note below). There is a supplement of $90 ($7.50 a month) for your third and each additional child. We subtract a benefit reduction from this amount if your family net income is more than $37,178. For a one-child family, the reduction is 2% of the amount of your family net income that is more than $37,178. For families with two or more children, the reduction is 4%. NoteThe Alberta provincial government has chosen to vary the amount of the basic benefit that its residents receive. The basic benefit is:$1,174 ($97.83 a month) for children under 7; $1,253 ($104.41 a month) for children 7 to 11; $1,402 ($116.83 a month) for children 12 to 15; and $1,486 ($123.83 a month) for children 16 or 17. National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS):One-child family: $1,988 a year ($165.66 a month). This amount is reduced by 12.2% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. Two-child family: $1,758 a year ($146.50 a month). This amount is reduced by 23% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. Three-or-more-child family: $1,673 a year ($139.41 a month). The total will be reduced by 33.3% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. NoteIf you are on social assistance, the NCBS may affect the amount of your social assistance payments. Many provinces and territories will consider the NCBS you get as income and will adjust your basic social assistance by this amount.

岁月静好!回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?总之很少,连奶粉钱都不够。

回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?听说是很少。


http://www.slide.com/r/YHX75Ml7mj-oOZIeteqEReDMC6Jn5gdD?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?噢,就当没有吧

平平淡淡即是―――生活 2007年11月FN, 10月底面试。预祝顺利通过,祝大家中秋快乐http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/benefits/cctb/faq_payments-e.html#q9 9. How are the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement calculated?You can use our new online service to get an estimate of your benefits. Your CCTB payments for the 12 - month period of July 2007 to June 2008 are calculated using the following information: The number of children you have; Your province or territory of residence; Your 2006 family net income and; Your child's eligibility for the Child Disability Benefit. Basic benefit: The basic benefit is $1,283 ($106.91 a month) for each child under age 18 (the basic benefit is different for residents of Alberta, see the note below). There is a supplement of $90 ($7.50 a month) for your third and each additional child. We subtract a benefit reduction from this amount if your family net income is more than $37,178. For a one-child family, the reduction is 2% of the amount of your family net income that is more than $37,178. For families with two or more children, the reduction is 4%. NoteThe Alberta provincial government has chosen to vary the amount of the basic benefit that its residents receive. The basic benefit is: $1,174 ($97.83 a month) for children under 7; $1,253 ($104.41 a month) for children 7 to 11; $1,402 ($116.83 a month) for children 12 to 15; and $1,486 ($123.83 a month) for children 16 or 17. National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS): One-child family: $1,988 a year ($165.66 a month). This amount is reduced by 12.2% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. Two-child family: $1,758 a year ($146.50 a month). This amount is reduced by 23% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. Three-or-more-child family: $1,673 a year ($139.41 a month). The total will be reduced by 33.3% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,883. NoteIf you are on social assistance, the NCBS may affect the amount of your social assistance payments. Many provinces and territories will consider the NCBS you get as income and will adjust your basic social assistance by this amount.点击展开...

平平淡淡即是―――生活 2007年11月FN, 10月底面试。预祝顺利通过,祝大家中秋快乐所以提倡母乳喂养点击展开...偶后悔呀,早知道努力当奶牛了,能省不少银子呀。

回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?偶后悔呀,早知道努力当奶牛了,能省不少银子呀。点击展开...奶牛不是想当就能当上的,有时在努力也是白搭,大民给他老婆吃王八汤,仍没奶可吃

平平淡淡即是―――生活 2007年11月FN, 10月底面试。预祝顺利通过,祝大家中秋快乐奶牛不是想当就能当上的,有时在努力也是白搭,大民给他老婆吃王八汤,仍没奶可吃点击展开...是的是的,偶就这样安慰自己。

回复: 询问温哥华有牛奶金吗?是多少?低收入的家庭,一个月现在一个孩子拿370,2个孩子拿2倍

08年登录改专业从国内的会计读了护士13年1月在加拿大某医院开始做护士奶牛不是想当就能当上的,有时在努力也是白搭,大民给他老婆吃王八汤,仍没奶可吃点击展开... 我知道鲫鱼+火腿肉(薄片)烧汤效果很好的。催出来的奶不是白色的,是奶黄色的。

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