加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊曾经看到过相关的帖子,具体细节记不清楚了,哪位大侠能给与帮助啊,我们去年报了税,今年应该具备申请的条件了,但不知道很细节的东西,想问问如何让申请(MSP)及相关的条件。先谢谢啦。点击展开...在网上申请后,他们会给你寄信, 等你签字再寄回后, Done. http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharme/
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊.....
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊申请以后,具体有什么福利啊
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊申请以后,具体有什么福利啊点击展开...药费高于收入一定比例时可以减免
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊根据收入 给你见面药费的 很不错 我给我吗申请了 但是买药也没觉得多么便宜。另外低收入 可以申请免交医疗保险啊 我觉得这个还是比较实用
2012.3.29 签收;6.22 AR1 (网查无邮件无平信);7.5 DM1;8.6 BJAR;8.9 补护信+补5406家属表;8.9 IP+mer (8.12网查);8.13 护签;9.7DM 2+双地址;9.24大信封到根据收入 给你见面药费的 很不错 我给我吗申请了 但是买药也没觉得多么便宜。 另外低收入 可以申请免交医疗保险啊 我觉得这个还是比较实用点击展开...你错了. 估计是还没有吃过上百的药吧...呵如果你符合最高标准,那么你的药费将被cover 70%, 另外,每款药费可封顶在25刀.
不计其数的孩子走在学琴的道路上,千姿百态,蔚为壮观;然而,相当多的孩子还没有听到掌声却已经落幕…… 回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊我知道 只不过感觉没有想象中的便宜 不过也是不错的 而且他是不是根据你每年的报税的情况 自动调节比例。。
2012.3.29 签收;6.22 AR1 (网查无邮件无平信);7.5 DM1;8.6 BJAR;8.9 补护信+补5406家属表;8.9 IP+mer (8.12网查);8.13 护签;9.7DM 2+双地址;9.24大信封到回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊The following tables allow you to estimate your deductible and family maximum. Once your family's net income has been verified by the Canada Revenue Agency, PharmaCare will send you written confirmation of your level of assistance. Fair PharmaCare Plan Net Annual FamilyIncome Family Deductible Portion of Eligible Costs PharmaCare Pays(once deductible reached) Family Maximum(after which 100% of costs are covered) Less than $15,000 None - Government assists you with your drug costs immediately. 70% Equal to 2% of your net income Between $15,000 and $30,000 Equal to 2% of your net income 70% Equal to 3% of your net income Over $30,000 Equal to 3% of your net income 70% Equal to 4% of your net income The deductible and family maximum are based on income bands so they are not exact percentages of annual family income. For example, if your family income is $34,500, a deductible based on exactly 3% would be $1,035. However, all families with an income between $31,667 and $35,000 are assigned a family deductible of $1,000. If you or your spouse were born in 1939 or earlier, you will receive the following enhanced Fair PharmaCare assistance: Fair PharmaCare Plan - Enhanced Assistance Net Annual FamilyIncome Family Deductible Portion of Eligible Costs PharmaCare Pays(once deductible reached) Family Maximum(after which 100% of costs are covered) Less than $33,000 None - Government assists you with your drug costs immediately. 75% Equal to 1.25% of your net income Between $33,000 and $50,000 Equal to 1% of your net income 75% Equal to 2% of your net income Over $50,000 Equal to 2% of your net income 75% Equal to 3% of your net income The deductible and family maximum are based on income bands so they are not exact percentages of annual family income. For example, if your family income is $19,000, a family maximum based on exactly 1.25% would be $237.50. However, all families with an income between $18,000 and $22,000 are assigned a family maximum of $250.
http://www.canadameet.com另外低收入 可以申请免交医疗保险啊 我觉得这个还是比较实用点击展开...是要住满一年才能申请吧?
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊收藏。
回复: 谁知道BC省的药物保健及公平药物计划怎样申请啊是要住满一年才能申请吧?点击展开...是啊 要住满一年我因为之前在他那里有记录 所以他知道我没有住 然后我就一直也没有申请医疗保险 去年5月才第一次申请的 但是他没有批我的 assistance 说我要到今年5月才能申请。。。 所以我不知道他所说的住满一年 是不是也包括交了一年的医疗保险钱 总之他是要看你上一年度的报税的情况的 要你的工卡号 让你签个字 然后它就可以查你的报税的情况 如果你的收入高了什么的 他会自动调节 要收你多少钱的 反正申请一下省了不少开支 $20,000 for a 100 percent subsidy$22,000 for an 80 percent subsidy$24,000 for a 60 percent subsidy$26,000 for a 40 percent subsidy$28,000 for a 20 percent subsidy https://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/exforms/msp/premium_assistance.html 这是申请的网站
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