加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息老外记者看中国营商的问题
3月14日刊登在CBC News 的一篇文章,谈论有关在中国营商的问题。由于文章太长,我只能摘录一小段翻译成中文,全文查阅网址:http://www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/vp_metz/20080314.html看老外怎样批评中国的营商环境,值得我们反思!Small business in China is about knowing how to bribe Despite what you might read, see and hear from the western media about the Chinese economic miracle, it's not easy to be a small-business owner in Beijing. Bribes, gifts, and payoffs are part of monthly expenses and eat away at the bottom line. If you are not being shaken down by mobsters, then you are being shaken down ― or worse yet shut down ― by various departments of the government. If you plan on opening and operating any kind of successful business then you had better have guanxi. ......中文翻译在中国做小买卖要懂得如何行贿尽管你从西方传媒读到,看到,和听到中国的经济发展发生了奇迹,其实作为一个小商人在北京营商谈何容易!行贿,送礼和回佣已经成为每月营运成本的一部分,几乎到达所能承受的底线。即使你还未被他们象抢匪般抢夺殆尽,也会被政府各部门拖垮,甚至最后被迫关门!假如你有意在中国开店经营任何业务而想成功的话,那你得必须先搞通“关系”!......
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题3月14日刊登在CBC News 的一篇文章,谈论有关在中国营商的问题。由于文章太长,我只能摘录一小段翻译成中文,全文查阅网址:http://www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/vp_metz/20080314.html 看老外怎样批评中国的营商环境,值得我们反思! Small business in China is about knowing how to bribe Despite what you might read, see and hear from the western media about the Chinese economic miracle, it's not easy to be a small-business owner in Beijing. Bribes, gifts, and payoffs are part of monthly expenses and eat away at the bottom line. If you are not being shaken down by mobsters, then you are being shaken down ― or worse yet shut down ― by various departments of the government. If you plan on opening and operating any kind of successful business then you had better have guanxi. ...... 中文翻译 在中国做小买卖要懂得如何行贿 尽管你从西方传媒读到,看到,和听到中国的经济发展发生了奇迹,其实作为一个小商人在北京营商谈何容易!行贿,送礼和回佣已经成为每月营运成本的一部分,几乎到达所能承受的底线。即使你还未被他们象抢匪般抢夺殆尽,也会被政府各部门拖垮,甚至最后被迫关门! 假如你有意在中国开店经营任何业务而想成功的话,那你得必须先搞通“关系”!......点击展开...如果是那样,中国的私有经济不早跨了,对于那些没有关系的能否经营成功关键还在自己(内因),外因只能是达到一定规模后,可能会起到很大作用。那里都一样,那些支持总统候选人的企业,如果支持的候选人当选,他们会没有好处,给他们几个国家大项目就够了。
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题3月14日刊登在CBC News 的一篇文章,谈论有关在中国营商的问题。由于文章太长,我只能摘录一小段翻译成中文,全文查阅网址:http://www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/vp_metz/20080314.html看老外怎样批评中国的营商环境,值得我们反思!Small business in China is about knowing how to bribe Despite what you might read, see and hear from the western media about the Chinese economic miracle, it's not easy to be a small-business owner in Beijing. Bribes, gifts, and payoffs are part of monthly expenses and eat away at the bottom line. If you are not being shaken down by mobsters, then you are being shaken down ― or worse yet shut down ― by various departments of the government. If you plan on opening and operating any kind of successful business then you had better have guanxi. ......中文翻译在中国做小买卖要懂得如何行贿尽管你从西方传媒读到,看到,和听到中国的经济发展发生了奇迹,其实作为一个小商人在北京营商谈何容易!行贿,送礼和回佣已经成为每月营运成本的一部分,几乎到达所能承受的底线。即使你还未被他们象抢匪般抢夺殆尽,也会被政府各部门拖垮,甚至最后被迫关门!假如你有意在中国开店经营任何业务而想成功的话,那你得必须先搞通“关系”!......点击展开...的确要反思。为啥每次CBC总喜欢诬蔑中国呢?高书记,中国的确存在各种各样的问题,但是绝大多数成功的私人企业并不是靠关系发展壮大的。说句题外话,Bill Gate如果没有他老妈的话,他的windows会这么成功?他走的难道不是关系?
http://bbs.myboyan.com/index.php?x=724327回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题转载CBC这篇文章不是要妄自菲薄,矮化自己的民族,不过确实批评有理,自己无话可说!自己有朋友到国内投资,回来投诉,的确象老外记者所说的:上面拿了下面拿!中国人爱面子,为了钱,宁可裤子也不要!中国应该叫“加拿大,大家拿”才对!
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题3月14日刊登在CBC News 的一篇文章,谈论有关在中国营商的问题。由于文章太长,我只能摘录一小段翻译成中文,全文查阅网址:http://www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/vp_metz/20080314.html 看老外怎样批评中国的营商环境,值得我们反思! Small business in China is about knowing how to bribe Despite what you might read, see and hear from the western media about the Chinese economic miracle, it's not easy to be a small-business owner in Beijing. Bribes, gifts, and payoffs are part of monthly expenses and eat away at the bottom line. If you are not being shaken down by mobsters, then you are being shaken down — or worse yet shut down — by various departments of the government. If you plan on opening and operating any kind of successful business then you had better have guanxi. ...... 中文翻译 在中国做小买卖要懂得如何行贿 尽管你从西方传媒读到,看到,和听到中国的经济发展发生了奇迹,其实作为一个小商人在北京营商谈何容易!行贿,送礼和回佣已经成为每月营运成本的一部分,几乎到达所能承受的底线。即使你还未被他们象抢匪般抢夺殆尽,也会被政府各部门拖垮,甚至最后被迫关门! 假如你有意在中国开店经营任何业务而想成功的话,那你得必须先搞通“关系”!......点击展开...纠正一下高书记,我觉得文章标题的翻译应该是:懂得如何行贿是在中国做小生意之本。略有差别,或者:在中国做小生意就是搞“关系”。哈哈,别见怪。
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题纠正一下高书记,我觉得文章标题的翻译应该是:懂得如何行贿是在中国做小生意之本。略有差别,或者:在中国做小生意就是搞“关系”。哈哈,别见怪。点击展开...懂得如何行贿是在中国做小生意之本 - 意思是:行贿是在中国做小生意的主要成功因素,而作者的意思是:行贿是在中国做小生意的一种手段,或策略。 在中国做小生意就是搞“关系” - 意思是:搞关系是到中国做小生意的目的。这种谈论很有意思!
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题泰国成了卖淫天堂,因为那里的国民对卖淫视为一种挣钱的行业,正如西方国家把妓女称为“性工作者”,认为她们也该有尊严!行贿,受贿,腐败,凡事要先“过水”,已成了中国普遍的社会现象,可与泰国的淫业相提并论!
回复: 老外记者看中国营商的问题说的没错!官商经济何时了、不行贿你将一事无成呀!
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