加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息给Metro写信
[FONT="]给Metro写了email:[/FONT][FONT="]Re: Letter by Fay Lin, Burnaby, dated April 2, 2008.[/FONT] [FONT="]I agree with Lin’s comment that inadequate news coverage of Western media on pro-China upsets most Chinese in Canada.[/FONT] [FONT="]As peace loving citizens, Chinese in Canada oppose any attempt to jeopardize the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing for political propaganda. The Game is a world spots event which should be participated and respected by the people all over the world. We should put aside all political disputes, and strongly support the Game, making it a success by all means![/FONT] [FONT="]Tibet[/FONT][FONT="] is a province of China, just like Quebec to Canada. We love Canada, love Tibet and China too![/FONT] [FONT="]For your information, I enclose herewith some photos taken from the pro-China demonstration in the Vancouver Library Square, on Saturday, March 29, 2008.[/FONT]转贴Fay Lin 的读者来函: [FONT="]Re: “Rallies for Tibet Continue”[/FONT] [FONT="]I was glad to find a small section about the pro-China demonstration (in Vancouver on Saturday). Compared to the pro-Tibet independence rallies, it was minimal. The fact that Western media (outlets) give little coverage to pro-China coverage upsets lots of Chinese in Canada. Please give more coverage to pro-China demonstrations and present both sides of the picture.[/FONT] [FONT="]- Fay Lin, Burnaby[/FONT]
回复: 给Metro写信Support with you
岁月静好!回复: 给Metro写信I also emailed a complaint letter to Metro on April 2nd. I expressed my disappointment over Metro's unbalanced news coverage on the Tibet issue. I told the editors that "Failure to equally and fairly report the facts from both sides to the majority of your "young, active, well-educated, metropolitan audience" would eventually ruin the reputation of Metro." So far, I haven't heard from them. At least, our voice has drawn their attention. That is a good start.
回复: 给Metro写信good for you guys~
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds ListI also emailed a complaint letter to Metro on April 2nd. I expressed my disappointment over Metro's unbalanced news coverage on the Tibet issue. I told the editors that "Failure to equally and fairly report the facts from both sides to the majority of your "young, active, well-educated, metropolitan audience" would eventually ruin the reputation of Metro." So far, I haven't heard from them. At least, our voice has drawn their attention. That is a good start.点击展开...Right, the voices of the Chinese must be heard, and the only way to bring forward the issue is write to the media and the Members of Parliament as well. Hope more Chinese people would come forward to support and join us. Unity is strength !
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