加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Which airline ?
How To Identify A Flight Attendant!A guy sitting at an airport bar in Atlanta noticed a beautiful woman sitting next to him. He thought to himself, "Wow, she's so gorgeous she must be a flight attendant. But which airline does she work for?"Hoping to gain her attention, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta Slogan, "Love to fly, and it shows?" She gave him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thought to himself, "Nope, not Delta."He leaned towards her again, "Something special in the air?" She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself, and scratched American Airlines off the list. Next, he tried the United slogan, "I would really love to fly your friendly skies?" This time the woman savagely turned on him, "What the f*** do you want?" The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair, and said...."Ahhh, Air Canada."
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一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!回复: Which airline ?Personally think Air canada is better than others.
回复: Which airline ?Personally think Air canada is better than others.点击展开...
常记溪亭日暮, 沉醉不知归路。 兴尽晚回舟, 误入藕花深处。争渡,争渡, 惊起一滩鸥鹭回复: Which airline ?united is the worst
回复: Which airline ?搞笑!加航真这么差?刚定了他家的机票。
韦小宝语录:我不喜欢温哥“滑”,会摔跤的!…妈妈:你爸爸是空中飞人,满世界飞。小宝:爸爸为什么要满街飞呢?…我长大了要做开icecream truck的人。…你怎么知道我想pee啊?是不是看见我刚才do pee-pee dancing啦?…我的屁股出了很多汗,把床弄湿了。(尿床了!)回复: Which airline ?加航还好,就是加航的空姐倚老卖老
http://www.canadameet.com回复: Which airline ?搞笑不过我们看在票价的面子上还是会顶加航
理性vs宗教雅思8心得 搞笑不过我们看在票价的面子上还是会顶加航点击展开...不要顶太厉害了,几年前加航就差一点倒闭。所以票价低不一定是好处,好多卖便宜机票的航空公司都倒闭了。航空公司倒闭,你买的机票就作废了,剩下的航空公司就会垄断,乱涨票价。
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